silly premise

Hard to watch all of these characters filled with pride pretending that they have no emotion.

If you have no emotion, you don't care about career advancement.

Arrogance is also an emotion.

Strange that an entire film is dedicated to a paradoxical premise. Apparently the world rallied to the cause of not rallying to causes.


They do have emotions. The drug only limits them. This is explained in the opening narrative. If you paid attention, you would not have misunderstood the premise of the movie.


The premise is stupid and nonsensical to begin with. Add in the fact that the film breaks its own rules constantly and you have a really stupid movie. That is just scratching the surface though. I could easily write 10 pages about all the flaws and ridiculous shit in this movie.


It is not that they do not have emotions, it is that they are terrorized into pretending they do not, and drugged do they don't think about it. It is an allegory, and yes it is simple because it is a movie. I liked the movie. Better to watch it and suspend your disbelief, why bother if you don't try or can't?
