MovieChat Forums > The Hole (2001) Discussion > Am I the only person that actually loves...

Am I the only person that actually loves this film?

I agree there are some major plot holes, but I think people need to stop thinking about all the little things and concentrate on the film as a whole. The acting is great, the blood and guts is great, and I think the twist with Martin and Liz's different stories is great too. Sure it's not perfect, but very entertaining and tense!


No, I loved this movie as well :). I grew a new appreciation for it when I re-watched it very recently. I think it was really well done, creepy, sad, gross, sick, just awesome.


It's one of my favorite movies.



I loved it too. Keira was amazing! The only weak link for me was thora's wandering accent. Other than that, brilliant.


It's one of my favourite films!

Viddy well, little brother. Viddy well.


I like it, it's a great movie. I've seen many movies, but there are few I despise more than the character of Liz, which proves what a good job the moviemakers and the cast did.


I expected a vulgar horror film, but I must say that this movie surprised me positively. I like it. Maybe it's not a masterpiece, but I do appreciate some good qualities on it.


I thought it was great 😄 and I didn't expect much, so it was a pleasant surprise.



Its one of my favourites of keira's performances. She really announced herself with this role. What a beautiful screen presence she has.


I have to be honest, I'm a huge movie buff and I just thought this movie was a major dissapointment. I'm not saying I'm's just my opinion, but I felr the movies plot was very weak and very thin. There were no real suprises, every twist and turn was telegraphed, leaving almost nothing to the immagination. For me there just wasn't enough meat on the bone for a full length feature. After watching the Lisbeth Salander Trilogy (actually, it is the Stieg Larsson Trilogy - the author of the three books that the three movies were based on), the three Sweedish movies - The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, The Girl Who Played With Fire and The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet's Nest; The Hole just didn't have any rea; weight to it, for me.

Again, I'm not trying to rip anybody else for their tastes. This movie just didn't have any real wieght to it for my money. On a scale of 1 to 10, I'd have to rank it a four.


I think your point is well-taken; it does seem to make a big deal out of not-so-much, but for me that is the power of this movie. A silly little prank turns into a mind-bend, relationship-eating and eventually life-threatening experience. Who knew? Who would ever have guessed?


I love this film, is so creepy and sad could be true... Is terrifying thinking of your best friend which is someone who you really trust with your life going completely insane, and you would never know they went bonkers because you trust them.


I've always loved this movie and a lot of people used to as well. Don't tell me it's become hated over the years now...


You're one of the few...


No, you're not the only one. I totally love this movie too. OK, so I'd probably give it a B grade, but it's really a pretty good psychological thriller. Not the best acting, but I like to watch Thora Birch; she's good here, as is Keira Knightley.


I love this film too.


I just saw it for the first time last night, and I loved it. for my official review.

"Film is an art at its highest level." Paul Joyce, REMEMBERING STANLEY KUBRICK


One of the best movies... simple concept... dark and intriguing and soooo tense :O LOVE IT


I really, really like it!

I love the way it´s playing with teenager-stereotypes.
During the first 20 minutes or so you feel as if you´re watching any teenagermovie.

We got the shy outsider (Liz), in love with someone who doesn´t care for her (isn´t it just like every Molly Ringwald movie?^^)while Martin seems just to be the right guy for her .....and then it begins to unravel and it´s soooooo good!

I remember the first time I watched it and how I felt so sorry for Liz!

When she told the first version (the one with all the "fun" they had making a show for Martin "playing sick" etc) and then it´s clear she´s lying and she´s telling the beta story----my, how I felt sorry for her because I thought it was too hard for her and her mind created this false, harmless version for her because she didn´t want to remember the true horror.

At the very beginning I even thought it might be a story about teenager rape, the way she stumbled outside and screamed into the phone ....

When it´s clear that Liz is totally crazy---I still felt a bit sorry for her. Because although she would let everyone suffer it was clear she would have gladly died with Mike down there if they´d only be together.
So I thought of her as an very, very ill person but not exactly evil.

In the end I would have loved the psychologist to get the better of her! Grrr!

And I wonder what will become of Liz because she´s getting worse and worse.
Everything in the hole was of course her fault, but she "killed" with her passiveness--in the end she actively kills Martyn.(Poor Martyn-- the best of this lot!)

I love it when filmmakers play with my expectations!

Greetings, ZoneBee


I liked it as well. :)


I's a very good psychological thriller. Unlike the idiot savants on here, who clearly are making better movies. It was very well done..and I personally like it when the "bad guy" gets away with things. Like the ending of The Player..the absolutely brilliant Altman movie about Hollywood and happy endings and heroes..."No Bruce Willis or Julia Roberts!" And, there was a scene in her version of it..that she was the heroine. This was a nice twisty tale. Also, I'm that added an element for me.
