MovieChat Forums > X-Men: Evolution (2000) Discussion > This or Wolverine and the x-men?

This or Wolverine and the x-men?

I don't know if this has been posted yet.

Which show do you prefer?


Well, if Nicktoons network would play the rest of Season 1 of W&X, then I could make an assessment.


Wolverine and the X-Men, definately.

- the animation is better,

- the plot is more 'big picture'

- it's got a sexy Emma Frost!

- Wolverine has fuller sideburns, instead of 8 or 9 hairs

- no Spyke...that guy is a douche

- the characters are older which allows for more dramatic dilemmas. Scott is coping with losing the love of his life, not trying to figure out how to tell a girl he has a crush on her.

- finally, and the most important, the world at large knows about mutants from the beginning, which allows the show to deal with the persecution and prejudice against mutants right out the gate, which has always what made X-men, in every incarnation, so great.

Yes, Evolution eventually outed their characters, and the show's plots matured, but not after many lame episodes where the big issue was getting invited to a party, or what to do when the prof is away for the weekend.

I enjoy Evolution cause it a cartoon about the X-Men, but Wolverine and the X-Men is vastly superior. However, this is all just my opinion

"and the installation is freeeeee!"
- Deputy S. Jones



A tough question. X:E was good because it was different spin on something familiar. W&TX is good because it's just so awesome.


W&TX probably features the worst Cyclops I've ever seen though.


Do you remember the nineties X-Men The Animated Series? I don't think I've ever seen a Cyclops that has been that angry before, always yelling and barely professional :P


Do you watch the current X-men series? He's pretty much a joke in it, from start to finish.


Wolverine and the X-Men? I saw it awhile back... I'll need a refresher because I only vaguely remember him being a bit of a jerk but mostly non-existent during first season.


You're not missing that much. They pretty much robbed his character of any remotely sympathetic or endearing qualities. They couldn't even do his origin properly. That series boiled him down to the stereotype of being nothing without Jean, thus ruining him for the rest of how ever long that overrated show is gonna run.


Has season 2 come out yet? I wonder if they'll fix these issues in later episodes.

Just personally, after watching all the seasons of the nineties X-Men cartoon... Cyclops just seemed like a complete arse. Come to think of it, he wasn't that much better in Evolution (though probably his best appearance). Why is it that Cyclops never quite comes across that well, I don't read Marvel comics - is that how he acts in writing too?


Season 2 won't be out till later this year. Or possibly early next year. Seeing as how the season 1 cliffhanger ended with a teaser of Age of Apocalypse, right down to Cyclops in his "Tarzan from Hell" get up, I have a feeling it's only going to get worse for him. Lord knows they won't do a Cyclops Vs. Wolverine fight unless Wolverine is clearly in the right and Cyclops is just wrong beyond wrong, which seems to be the MO of that series.

And Wolverine wasn't a complete arse in the 90s show? I've always found that very frustrating, that Wolverine can act like a jerk but fans will still defend him and treat him like he's the greatest thing around.

Sadly, Cyclops, the classic introvert, a guy who can simultaneously give orders while blasting a dozen bad guys or so without flinching yet struggles to express himself in civilian situations, has often been the victim of poor writing, since Marvel's writers don't seem to know how to approach him or work with him in a manner that would dismiss the Wolverine fans who call him "boring". Of course, most people don't seem sensitive to the fact that Cyclops is under a lot of pressure, having to be responsible for a dozen or so people at any given time and often has to deal with a short, mean spirited loner with claws.


Don't get me wrong, if somehow my previous comments implied it, I am not a fan of Wolverine. I always found him overhyped and mostly annoying. Never understand the fan appeal.

And you're right, Wolverine was a jerk in that nineties show as well... hmmm, starting to remember a trend with characters from that series. Also, at least in that series, his infatuation with Jean was beyond annoying.

Interesting how Evolution made a lot of these characters, certainly Cyclops and Wolverine, more tolerable.


Don't get me wrong, if somehow my previous comments implied it, I am not a fan of Wolverine. I always found him overhyped and mostly annoying. Never understand the fan appeal.

Oh, sorry. I haven't been very civil, have I?

And you're right, Wolverine was a jerk in that nineties show as well... hmmm, starting to remember a trend with characters from that series. Also, at least in that series, his infatuation with Jean was beyond annoying.

Re-watching it now I get kind of a "Dark Knight" vibe from it, the way in TDK (2008) Bruce Wayne/Batman kept pining for Rachel Dawes even though she was clearly with Harvey Dent (pre-Two-Face). I like TDK very much, but watching it sometimes I almost want to yell at the screen "She's just not that into you [Bruce]!" Anyway, yeah, 90s show, Jean was clearly with Cyclops and clearly wasn't going to leave him. There were a few times when Wolvie's infatuation with her bordered on being a bit stalkerish as well.

Interesting how Evolution made a lot of these characters, certainly Cyclops and Wolverine, more tolerable.

Wolverine was definitely less of a jerk in Evolution, so I can't complain about that.


I think that Kitty Pryde was animated better in Evolution. In X men and Wolverine they draw her head way too big and out of proportion. X men and Wolverine has a much more mature dark storyline, but Evolution seems to have better quality animation. One thing I found strange was an episode of Xmen and Wolverine they ran the other day where Nightcrawler had to save a ship of mutants from a group of pirates who seemed to look exactly like the characters in Heavy Metal. I didn't really understand that episode.


WATX is awesome and all, but i just like Evo better. First off, they did amazing things with some boring characters like Scarlet Witch. The show was unique and inventive, and they did wonderfully on my favorite characters... Also, i guess being a fan of Evo for almost ten years makes me partial. Can you blame me?

that said, i do like Storm's & Remy's character designs better on WATX. Toad's i like about the same, and i like Evo Freddy much better.

geek chic!



The 90's series. Mostly because it follows the comics more closely than the others.

The goal of debate is to sway the opposition. The moment you insult, you've lost...


Both were severely flawed.

In Evolution we are wasted in teen flaunting that is interesting, only when it's not cheesy, and it's cheesy 90% of the time. We are also given only 3 adults at the institute. What I do like is that Wolverine is NOT the central attraction.

In WATXM, Wolverine is the central attraction . They also muted a LOT of the key characters on the team like Storm and Cyclops.

Anyways, I just hope the 2nd season of WATXM is much better.

I don't shut up, I grow up, and when I look at you, I throw up, Aghhh!


Something I noticed between the two fanbases is that the majority of fans who prefer Wolverine and the X-Men have little to no knowledge of the actual X-Men Universe. While fans of X-Men: Evolution are much more familiar with the X-Men universe despite not following any of the actual story lines. Why do you think that is?

the animation is better

No it's not...The animation for X-Men: Evo was much better and the fight scenes were choreographed extremely well. In Wolverine and the X-Men the fight scenes last 2 seconds.

the plot is more 'big picture'

Hardly...They had a lot of potential with the phoenix storyline but failed miserably.

Wolverine has fuller sideburns, instead of 8 or 9 hairs

So now it makes WXM a good show? I think not.

no Spyke...that guy is a douche

If all you can say is 'Spyke is a douche' it really shows how little character depth and quality you look for in a show.

the characters are older which allows for more dramatic dilemmas. Scott is coping with losing the love of his life, not trying to figure out how to tell a girl he has a crush on her.

Coping is adjusting and realizing the outcome of a situation and living with it. Scott hasn't, he hasn't moved on and this is the same wimpy Scott we got forced to watch in X-Men: The Last Stand.

finally, and the most important, the world at large knows about mutants from the beginning, which allows the show to deal with the persecution and prejudice against mutants right out the gate, which has always what made X-men, in every incarnation, so great.

This right here shows you know little to nothing about the X-Men. It's nost just about 'persecution and prejudice' there is SO MUCH MORE to X-Men than just that. Anyone would pick that idea up just by glimpsing at the comic book cover.

In Evolution we are wasted in teen flaunting that is interesting, only when it's not cheesy, and it's cheesy 90% of the time. We are also given only 3 adults at the institute.

While I do agree the first 2-3 seasons we had to go through teen drama. The last two seasons were simply amazing. WXM doesn't even compare to anything X-MEN: EVO dished out in its last two seasons.


Something I noticed between the two fanbases is that the majority of fans who prefer Wolverine and the X-Men have little to no knowledge of the actual X-Men Universe. While fans of X-Men: Evolution are much more familiar with the X-Men universe despite not following any of the actual story lines. Why do you think that is?
Very simple: Wolverine and the X-Men is pretty much the animated version of the films. And you don't have to be a comic lover to be a fan of the films, which leaves you open to being a fan of WATXM. With Evolution, you were divided in what that universe was all about. It wasn't the typical X-Men universe you read in the comics, but it wasn't the movie universe with Wolverine at the forefront .

While I do agree the first 2-3 seasons we had to go through teen drama. The last two seasons were simply amazing. WXM doesn't even compare to anything X-MEN: EVO dished out in its last two seasons.
That's why the last seasons of Evolution are worth viewing over and over again. However, the first seasons of Evolution really are hard to take in

I don't shut up, I grow up, and when I look at you, I throw up, Aghhh!


I prefer X-Men Evolution.

1. I don't have NickToons. I've only seen 5 episodes on the marvel website.

2. A ton of mutants are given a great amount of attention in Evolution, instead of just appearing for less than 5 minutes in only one episode. Magma, for example, appears a lot in Evolution, while in WATXM, we only see her for a while and thats it. However, there are mutants who haven't appeared in Evolution that have in WATXM, like Dust, and Emma Frost, which was actually the big step up.

3. Great character development, especially Apocalypse.

4. The animation was more realistic than WATXM. Many characters in WATXM have very weird proportions. Most notably, the female characters, who have ridiculously skinny legs.

I like Spyke once he joined the Morlocks. He had a more stronger personality than before. I think he should return with the Morlocks on Wolverine and the X-Men. Maybe mature him more this time.




People aren't quite as one-dimension as you make out, sir... one can be a fan of the comic books and enjoy Brian Singer's movie-verse as well - even if it does deviate from the source material. I'm in general - a huge Wolverine fan. The Origins run, Enemy of the State, the Claremont/Miller mini-series... I've been a huge fan since the 90's - the Weapon X story arc being the first tale to ignite my interest in the character... therefore, I have to chose Wolverine and The X-Men over this drivel. I hated what they did to Wolverine in this show - his voice was horrendous and barely suited his design - his dialog was dreadful "Alright, alright... KNOCK-OUT gas then..." and the way he would just learn back in a chair, like a bored parent and scoff "kids!" - complete faeces. Making Wolverine the over-arching, gruff-but-lovable, patriarchal figure to the students was an absolutely horrible - he literally became Professor Snape, with claws. Wolverine is an ultimate loner - he has no invested stake in Xavier's 'school'; especially spending time training annoying little kids.

Wolverine and The X-Men *beep* up in making him the leader, sure - but at least the timeline coheres with the source material more so than this garbage. In W&TXM, we're given the impression that the team have been together for years; Wolverine has developed great respect for Xavier, and grown into his role as mutant hero. In Evolution, the writers couldn't make their mind up - was Logan a gruff, troubled, loner - or a loveable, comedic character with the worst one-liners in history?

Even if it did make deviations from the comics, W&TXM's storyline had more entertained than his gobsh*te. I felt as though I was watching an X-men cartoon... X-Men Evoluton, for the entire first series, it felt like a trashy animated soap opera with some of the worst voice acting known to man.


So far, I like Evolution better. I'm almost finished watching the third season, and it's getting pretty awesome! Woverine and the X-Men may get just as awesome, but only time will tell.

And if anyone's interested, I have been reading X-Men comics for the past couple of decades, and own most of them through the 80's and reprints of the older stuff.


That's a tough one. They're both great but in different ways. I would have to go with Wolverine and the X-Men although I'm not totally sure! I'm looking forward to season 2 :)

'Everyone stay behind me!'


I like them both, but I like Evolution Better.

I haven't seen all of season 1, but I dont like how Jean Grey isn't in it for most of the show. And Kitty Pryde looks weird. As does Storm a little.

Me: nsepic.jpg


I like this the best for the simple fact that they dont make the show revolve around Wolverine. He is nowhere near the most powerful mutant, why is he suddenly the boss and can beat anybody? I mean I like him, but in the movies and Wolverine and the X-Men he is WAAY too overrated.


ugh, no contest! Evolution! My sis showed it to me on youtube and i will never be satisfied with W&X ever again. I agree that Logan's all of a sudden a huge character and he's almighty. and wats with Kurt? he's not even cute anymore! and scott makes me REALLY mad. he just mopes around all the time cuz Jean's gone. and don't even get me started on Jean.

An apple a day keeps the doctor away but if the doctor's cute...screw the fruit ^_^


evolution season 2-4 is worth watching again.


What about season 3?

'Everyone stay behind me!'


thats what i said season 2 threw 4.


Evolution is so much better than Wolverine and the X-men. It's no contest.


Yep, wolverines likeable as a badass loner in the x men series, cyclops should've been the leader doesn't fit wolverine.

The films have whored him enough, wolverine was one of my fav xmen before the films, xmen legend of wolverine and w and the xmen came out, and xavier should've been in charge, hows logan gonna handle a mutant peace conference against magneto when that happens, wolverine thinks last fights first.



There don't seem to be very many episodes of Wolverine and the X-men yet so it is premature to judge though the shows have a much different mood. The animation is noticably better in Evolution, the Goth Rouge in Evolution is the best. This last episode where Angel turned sinister was quite good, makes up for the storyline with the aliens who look like they walked in off of the "Heavy Metal" movies, I don't like that subplot at all. I also wish Proffesor X was actually there in the new one, I don't like this coma thing.



Well, I've only watched Evolution's first ep (cringe!), but considering all I've read here, I'm gonna give it another chance and make it through a couple of seasons. However, when it comes to story arc and character development, we should consider that WatXM's only had 1 season, we'll see once it's over.

"If it's in the computer, they'll believe anything."
