MovieChat Forums > X-Men: Evolution (2000) Discussion > This or Wolverine and the x-men?

This or Wolverine and the x-men?

I don't know if this has been posted yet.

Which show do you prefer?


Evolution was always my favorite X-Men series, but upon reviewing the original, and the new show, I'd give it to X-Men Evolution. Wolverine and the X-Men is so much closer to the comics, action and drama have a much bigger presence, but characters are handled much better in Evolution. Storm, Kitty, Iceman and some others have no real characterization in WAXM. And others are pushed aside in favor of Wolverine, Emma and Scott, which is kinda disapointing to the fans of the other characters. Plus, Evolution has so much more of an emotional weight on it's shoulders in the final seasons. I'm confident that Wolverine and the X-Men will top Evolution in it's following seasons, but as of now, I still like Evolution better.

Jean Grey could have lived to become a god, but it was more important to her she die... a human.


I personally prefer Evolution cuz its what introduced me to the X-men in the first place.

That apart its kinda tough to compare the two series since they deal with two totally different eras of the X-men. X-men Evolution is a modern day reimagining of the original X-men stories of the 60's (with characters and plot elements from later eras thrown in as well) while Wolverine and the X-men features a later darker and more mature version of the X-men, based on the comics of the 70's and 80's and the movies to an extent.

The original Fox show is basically as close to a comic to tv translation as is . Its pretty much the 90's X-men in stories from various eras of the team's comic history


I like Evolution because most of the episodes are self contained. When i first saw Wolverine & the X-men i was intrigued by the whole time travel plot even if it is a bit unbelievable(i mean, how the hell is how the hell is Xavier able to communicate telepathically across time?). The only thing don't like about it is that title, it's like the producers realized that all the kiddies love Wolverine so decided to put his name front and center to boost raitings. They couldn't come up with something better like, "X-Men: Apocalypse"?

Although, i grew up with the '90s X-Men cartoon so that'll allways be my favorite. Like someone stated earlier, Cyclopse actually ISN'T a pussy there and when he's mad he shows it. The little bits of comic relief with Gambit and Rouge were hilarious also.


Personally much preferred Evolution. Actually Evolution is the best X-men series for me, the cast and artists are so good. And it has the best version of Storm


Wolverine and the Xmen is my favourite(it's only been one season, so i think it has potential, especially with age of apocalypse arc, which is my favourite arc/saga of all time and something which i've wanted to get animated for like almost 20 years now), and then Xmen the animated series(92 version), and then Xmen Evolution last. That is because Xmen Evolution is a teen drama that takes huge liberties with the franchise. It completely changed everything and has a completely different feel from the comics.. It's like watching saved by the bell or something, but with Xmen characters in it.

Yes, the later seasons are watchable, but i still preferred the other 2 series over evo. They capture the feel of the comics much more accurately in my opinion, and also the essence of the characters and stories remain true/accurate for the most part..


Actually, X-Men EVO is closer in spirit to the original 60s and 70s comics than anything else. The other shows are more based on the 90s comics.

The X-Men WERE teenagers when the comics started.

And this is the only show that bothered to show how humans began to fear mutants, while the other shows had it already started (which is kind of lazy). Also, they didn't make the humans all out to be racist jerks. Most of the human reaction was simple FEAR, not real hatred. Thus, the humans are more multi-dimensional and sympathetic than ever before.

It didn't change much at all, except get rid of silly stuff like the Wolverine/Jean/Scott triangle (which wore out its welcome YEARS ago), made Scott and Jean better characters than ever, a much more intriguing take on Rogue than the "Southern Belle" (as well as a fairly reasonable closeness to Scott) and the best take on Apocalypse yet outside of "X-Factor Forever".


I'd prefer Evolution because it starts from the beginning when they were teenagers
But Wolverine's storyline was better


Evolution tends to be hit or miss in my opinion. I think the very best of Evolution outshines the very best of Wolverine and the X-men. However, when Evolution misses, boy does it miss.

Although I don't think it's a very fair comparison as Wolverine and the X-men only had one season. Can you imagine judging Evolution by its first season? That wouldn't do the show justice.


I have to say X-Men: Evolution is better. I'm tired of Wolverine being shoved down our throats, and the unbelievable popular misconception that Scott's existence is solely based on Jean.

It pissed me off when Scott got chewed out for going off on his own, when in the previous episode it was Wolverine himself doing the exact same thing.

I loved Emma Frost though, and wish we could have seen more of her relationship with Scott. But sadly the writers felt only Scott/Jean is OTP.

I also loved the entire Magneto family. Scarlet Witch especially.

My name's John Constantine, and here I stay: haunted by London. And London, haunted by me.


I personally enjoyed X-Men: Evolution a little better because the characters were better developed and I did enjoyed the last few seasons of the show. Don't get me wrong, Wolverine and the X-Men introduced more characters and had some interesting story lines, but the show focused too heavily on Wolverine and some of the X-Men characters were drastically played down like Storm and Cyclops.
