MovieChat Forums > X-Men: Evolution (2000) Discussion > The hottest guy in X-men Evolution!!!!

The hottest guy in X-men Evolution!!!!

Who do you think is the numbe one hunk in X-men Evo? Here's my list:

1. Logan( I know he's very old but HE'S VERY VERY VERY HOT AND HANDSOME IN MY OPINION, with the cowboy/motorcycle theme going on , and that even though he's mysterious and mean, he's has a deep heart)

2. Gambit ( His eyes, he's figure, the way he fights, his accent, how he uses his cards, how he turns Rouge on... excelente!

3. Scott ( though sometimes serious and what not I like his playful style and how he dress, looks very handsome

4. Kurt ( kinda cute and makes me laugh)/ Nick Fury

5. Bobby

6. Roberto

7. Ray

8. Magneto ( was sorta goodlooking in the " Toad, Witch, and Wardrobe")


Gambit is hella hott! And Kurt cuz he is so fricking adorable!!! If I knew either of them I would be all over that! And Kurt would be fuzzy and fun to hug!

R.I.P Steve Irwin, I didn't know you but I felt like you were my best friend...I'll miss you.


i totally agree, mushroom dancers, Gambit is defenitely the hottest, he's been my favorite character since i was a kid, as you can tell i'm obssessed with gambit, but the one episode where he kidnaps rouge, cajun spice, iv'e looked everywhere for it, but i can't find it not even on youtube, if anyone knows where i can find it please let me know.


I can't find it either! I was so mad! I LOVE that episode, b/c I not only love Gambit but I love New Orleans!

R.I.P Steve Irwin, I didn't know you but I felt like you were my best friend...I'll miss you.


here here GamBit too!!!! I like that episode Cajun Spice and how he really cares for Rouge in his own way of showing it!


Professor X!

Dangnabbit, I'm still riddled with tarter.


Scott!!!! all the way i love my husbaand! lol


lol.... HOLY *beep* I FORGOT PROF.x thanks , he's number 2 in my list along with Gambit! :)


Kurt is adorable.
And Avalanche is very hot in my opinion:)


Kurt, hes just so adorable!!

^^-mate, feed, kill, repeat^^


i love cyclops hes so hot


Avalanche all the way. I love the whole dark bad boy with a soft centre thing.

This must what going crazy feels like
No, THIS must be what going crazy feels like


btw, i heard in the rumor mill that in the "Wolverine" movie coming out next year, Gambit may be one of the main characters.
and may be starred by Lost's, Josh Holloway, who was originally supposed to play Gambit in the X3 movie, but was cut because of TV comitments.

Life's tough, get a helmet.^__^
Pizza is a wonderful thing!


1. Pyro! I always love Pyro ever since the 2nd Xmen movie

2. Logan cuz he is a good guy with a bad side

3. Magneto b/c he has an awesome suit and is cute!

4. Gambit! he is so cool and cute

5. Kurt b/c he is funny and cute!


Gambit has always been my favorite but it is a tie between him and avalanche in xmen evolution ;)

"'Imora thea mi savur,' God save me from love." ~Acheron Parthenopaeus


where is the love for pietro???


I'm about to make your day, pop_yes_pop, because I'm choosing Pietro.


pfah, Pietro. Freddeh! =D

geek chic!


EXACTLY!!! haha for me it goes:
1. bobby!
2. pietro!
3. lance!
4. gambit!
5. alex!
6. sam! (cannonball)

bobby and pietro are pretty close though :)


Actually if you go to youtube and type in cajun spice part 1, somebody had uploaded it. ( I actually just watched it today) You might have to look for it though, I can't remember what page it was on.


Actually, let me correct myself, I just looked for sure and all you have to do is type in x-men evolution episodes and down near the bottom of the page you can find part 2. Just click on it and you can probably find the link for the first one.


All the episodes are on Netflix streaming now.


1. Magneto (man that guy was a real sex-on-legs in Operation: Rebirth, The toad the witch and the wardrobe, not to forget Impact and The Cauldron!)

2. Gambit (well, the TAS version looked considerably better, but even in Evo he still has his trademark sexiness - aww, that smile...)

3. Apocalypse (now don't freak out on this one - I mean when he was still normal looking in Dark Horizons, when they tell his story. he sure looked quite good before he got screwed up with what came later.)

4. Logan (gotta love the guy - ahh, he's soooo good-looking)

5. Avalanche (here's a cutie if I ever saw one)

6. Havok (same as Lance)

7. Angel (now u can't deny the man's got it going - the whole 'blond innocent' look works miracles)


Thank you, finally someone who loves Logan just as much as I! Yes indeed he's very good-looking, so is Angel I forgot him two he's # 3 for me!


Hehe - no problem 'bout Wolvie, he's been a fav for years now, ever since I first stumbled on TAS. But when I saw Evo-Mags I'm afraid everybody else just fell behind - he's my new official number 1...


1. AVALANCHE!!!!! <3333333
2. GAMBIT!!! <33
3. Kurt! <3
4. Pietro! <3
5. Alex! <3

(Yeah, most likely more but I'm at a loss >.<)


Hottest was definitely Angel. A distant second may be Wolverine. Third would be Colossus. Fourth would be Cyclops. Fifth would be Gambit.


Well you know there is something wrong with the world when people are sexually attracted to cartoons. *rolls eyes*


In my book Gambit is the hottest. I've got the stupidest crush
on him when I'm probably too old for liking animated characters.
Scott and Collosus are also pretty eye-candy.


The hottest : Gambit, he is so romantique avec Rogue.I love that he speaks french, cuz I'm.

After that Pyro is also damn hot. I think i got attraction with fire.
Avalanche too is sweet.
Pietro. Kurt. I would never date Scott.

Jess L.3


Gambit's hot. Kurt is...something not quite hot, but close. Lance isn't bad looking, but he's not my favorite. And...I like Scott too. *runs*

"Even the smallest person can change the course of the future."



Whoohoo! I'm not the only one who thinks Gambit is hot in Evo!
(Everyone thinks his hair is silly looking. Guess his accent trumps
his hair, eh girls? I like his hair for the most part, it's that beard I can't stand.)

I was watching my DVD earlier and trying not to blush or look odd.
He's so hot...for an animated character.


Kurt for me. One and only.xD I love furry blue guys, apparently, plus he's really cute.=3


2. Kurt. I can't help it, he's so cute and lovable :)
3. Avalanche.
4. Pietro.
5. Wolverine.

man i wish they were real ;)



no.. but really, Magneto and the Professor and esp Logan were some sexy old people.
Though I laugh at Logan being 5'3" and 232 lbs.


Todd and Freddy were totally the hottest. wtf is wrong with all of you?

the Poet's day will come!


Toad was totally hot, I totally dig that mullet thing. The only turn off is that he was in to Wanda, and not into me, so I refuse to profess my love for Todd Tolansky until Wanda dies.


Toad?! He's my least favourite character in this series, lol.

1. Scott Summers
2. Gambit
3. Logan
4. Bobby Drake
5. Angel

R.I.P Cedric -


eeeew, Cyke and Angel??? Bobby Drake??? yuck. o______O;;
Todd and Freddy are way sexier.

geek chic!


Lance. =) He was always my favourite.




Jess L.3


Screw Lance, Toad is the only one who can pull off a mullet in this show, girl.


it isn't a mullet, it's just boy-bangs. mullets are like billy ray cyrus doing 'achy breaky heart.'

geek chic!


IT'S A MULLET. Get over it.


no, this is a mullet: a mullet from the side:
this is a man with bangs:
also a man with bangs:

perhaps they are related, but they are definitely not the same. a mullet is like a glorified rat-tail. it is the back of the head only. from the front and sides, a mullet looks like a run of the mill short haircut. the mullet is a rare creature, and often misidentified.

Todd has boy-bangs. Not a mullet.

geek chic!


Ummmm... it's a cartoon...


It's a cartoon mullet and I'm still sticking with that <.< And yes I'm reviving a 3 year old topic.



How old are you??

Discussing wich cartoon character is "hotter"?? What the hell??


oh, it's all good fun, chill out.

geek chic!


haha Scott Summers was my favorite!



-Avalanche: the whole rebel thing was so appealing, I see why kitty had the hots for him.

-Pyro: hes hot (no pun intended lol) and I always loved fire.

-Quicksilver: Hes adorable

Dot, I appoint you minister of girly things that I dont't understand - Jacko




1. Avalanche he's a total bad guy and cute for a cartoon.
2. Kurt. He makes me laugh and he's cute.

The Beatles? Are you comparing us to the Beatles? Beside them, we're ladybugs.


Angel and Logan are super hot. And Scott is sexy. But Bobby is the sexiest for me.


Kurt's not hot but he's really cute, in my opinion. Avalanche is semi-hot. The only problem with Avalanche is when he rolls his eyes when he attacks lol. Scott is hot but im not super obsessed with him. Bobby's pretty cute too. If I had to pick my fave id say Kurt (cuz chicks dig the fuzzy dude)

An apple a day keeps the doctor away but if the doctor's cute...screw the fruit ^_^
