MovieChat Forums > The Animal (2001) Discussion > Anybody actually liked this movie?

Anybody actually liked this movie?

I thought this movie was horrible and I had to leave the theatre 15 minutes into the movie. Rob Sneider is probably the worst actor ever! He kinda reminds me of that Simmons guy, you know the gay areobics work-out dude on television? Oh, well they're both annoying and gay...anyways I don't know how this movie ended, but here's some advice for you if you're planning on renting any movies, please do not rent this! I know you're probably going to say that I don't have the right to say anything 'bout the movie since I didn't watch the whole thing, but if you see other reviews written on this movie you'll be just as glad as I am that you never laid an eye on this horrible sickening movie.


Complete waste of money and time. I never liked Rob Schneider, he isn't a good actor, much less funny... I am glad American Gigolo 2 flopped, I hope he ends up jobless on the street and be kept away from any movie. Ever.

This movie (The Animal) had a lot plot holes the size of a planet and situations that didn't make much sense, even for a comical movie. Things that are just plain stupid. For example, when he's having dinner with the girl and he goes to the bathroom and begins making a lot of animal noises. One of the sounds is from an elephant and other is from a horse. I mean, that does not make any sense. In fact, not even a dog makes sense. Which parts are from wich animal? The organs? The brain? Because we see him naked nearly the end, and he seems to be perfectly human.

A comical movie doesn't need to be stupid to be funny. The script guy(s) here should be jailed to keep them from doing any more damage.

At least Jim Carrey and Adam Sandler's movies make sense.

I would say that I wasted time watching this POS but sometimes you have to have bad experiences in order to appreciate the good ones. Thanks Rob & company.


I think some are way too SERIOUS about this movie;it looked DUMB during the ads for it and it is DUMB but FUNNY in places;grant you we didnt pay $10 a head to see this; we got it @ local Walmart for $5.50.In all HONESTY it was FUNNIER than I had expected it to be.


Wow, now I am normally one to stop and think - does this actually make any sense, but please, doing something like that with this kind of movie is kinda dumb. It's searching for an argument trying to explain why one did not like a movie while sounding like someone who was just to ignorant to know what he was going to watch...xuse me, but own fault.
It's like complaining about Independence Day and "why did they not wear any oxygen gear when they flew with the alien plane to the mother ship.." who cares.

"Situations didn't make much sense, even for a comical movie." Please. Whoever thinks that there is any sense at all behind the idea to implant a human being with all kinds of animal then go on and complain about that one does not see which parts are from which animal and that on the outside he looks perfectly human, that is just really funny to me in itself.
Sure, comical movies do not need to be "stupid" to be funny, but does that mean they can't be stupid AND very, very funny?

I am kind of disappointed by the latest Sandler efforts, I loved the earlier movies, they perfectly served their purpose.
Purpose being of stupid funny movies to make one laugh, preferably more than once every few minutes, and have a few good belly laughs in there as well.

I get all of that with this one. It is one of my favorites, if not THE favorite stupid and very funny movie of mine. I watch it every once in a while, maybe twice a year, and everytime I do I by the latest start to crack up when the "transformation" has taken place and the first symptoms appear. The first few minutes are slow, sure, but the rest of the movie is mostly hilarious.
It absolutely serves its purpose, and while other comedies get lame after one has watched them once, this one, at least for me, is a classic, which does it for me every time.
There are those funny movies which only work with a beer or two,this one may be one of those for some.
I have to be in the mood for a good laugh, otherwise I get overcritical, too, so I guess I must have been in a good mood for this, as I still do not need any spirits to find it very funny.
So all you bugger off who say it was dumb. It either shows you were not in the mood for some silly time or unfortunately for you, you have grown out of being able to be in a really silly mood and have a very good time being that way.
But it does not make you superior to those who liked it. And my condolences to those of you out there who have lost the ability to be silly and ignore the intelligentia and seriousnessella of the oh so "real" world that is out there. :-)


lpetrz, that was a dumb move. You pay to get in yet you walk out after 15 minutes? Yeah smart, why not just give them ur money and walk away? You payed, you might as well sit through it. Sheesh.


There's only one funny part in that whole movie, and oddly enough, Schneider isn't in it.

The mob scene.

"Ahh, this mob blows..."

Now... bring me that horizon.




What the hell does Rob think when he makes movies like this? Oh maybe they'll be a big hit? With who? People who have sex with animals and all the people no one wants to have sex with? Not only are there moments where sex with animals seems right around the corner, you also have the slaughtering of animals. And by what means does he go about slaughtering the animal? He sure doesn't have any tools with him other than his hands and teeth. So now we have animal mutilation, abuse... oh yeah this is a great family movie sure sure. WTF?!


I watch this movie every time I smoke. I've seen it at least 40 or 50 times. That said, it's not the best movie ever.


Clearly prpc you haven't watched the movie. No animals are actually slaughtered...they are reported. And it's a cow FGS. What do you think eventually happens to ALL cows that don't die of disease/natural disaster? Huh? Tell me? Cows don't exactly live happily everafter. Besides HE isn't the one that slaughters the cow. Bottom line though, you're right. It's probably not a family movie, at least not for everyone...thus the PG13 rating. Folks are supposed to exercise judgement about what kind of movies they want their kids to see.

Caught it on Netflix. I actually laughed quite a few times throughout. I wouldn't buy it, but I was open to some dumb comedy and it fit the bill.


This movie NEVER intended to be anything but dumb, so I would say that those of you who didn't pick that up are the ones who are really dumb.

That said, I enjoyed it very much and could easily see it again.


Look out for Rob Schneider in his next big hit comedy The Stapler, where he'll find out it's sure not easy being a stapler - rated PG13.

To build our spiritual health we'll start erasing the self


First off I didn't read all of the posts on here.

But I would just like to say I find it really funny when people come on to message boards on IMDB and spam how much they hate the actor or movie. Why even bother to waste you time? Most people like to read stuff about movies they like, and actors they like. It's funny how people just want to start fights on the internet because nobody can see them. lol!! To all you people I say:



i saw this film yesterday and i found i funny


its easily the worst film i ever had the misfortune of seeing


It is the worst movie I have ever seen!


Have you seen Troll 2? I like Troll 2 but because it's so awful that it is funny.


loved it.


i think the only movie worse than this that ive ever seen was dracula 3000.

