MovieChat Forums > Session 9 (2001) Discussion > How were you first made aware of this fi...

How were you first made aware of this film?

Have noticed quite a lot of people complaining that this movie did not get enough publicity, so just curious to know how people were initially introduced to it. Seems to be a Cult film in that you only know about it if someone has recommended it to you or if you did your research online.

I just noticed it on some random's top 10 horror list on Amazon and thought the DVD cover looked creepy. Anyone else?


I was looking on Instant Netflix for a good horror movie.

Well, ça c'est 'The Meaning of Life'.


It was listed on's top 50 horror movies and said it was filmed in Danvers, so I watched in on on demand.


I remember seeing the cover when I was younger and my family rented it without even reading the back. My mom has a thing for the Caruso anyways, so...

Scared the *beep* out of me when I was 11. HALLOWEEN II trailer (Canadian Fan Film)


I asked members of a forum I belong to to recommend me some movies that don't contain excessive animal violence because I can't stand that stuff. S9 was in a list someone gave me. Turns out there actually is animal killing in this - brief audio only, so it didn't bother me too much.


I caught it on one of the pay movie channels at about 2a.m. one weekend. Scared the sh*t out of me (and I'm generally pretty calloused to most so-called horror movies).


Rented it from Blockbuster about six years ago or so. I was looking for a horror movie and it looked like something I would want to watch. I have been a big fan of the film ever since.


Was browsing horror movies on Netflix to watch for Halloween weekend and came across it. Great horror film, it's really nice to find one that doesn't rely on cheap startle-scares, but rather conveys a sense of dread through the scenery and atmosphere.


There was a joke in an episode of South Park pre-2001 about David Caruso's career. Curious, I looked him up just to see what HAD happened to Caruso and found this. Always nice to find a hidden gem in horror filmdom.


I'd seen it mentioned on imdb boards of other horror movies.

It was frequently mentioned as a "genuinely" frightening horror movie, compared to other recent gore/FX fests.

Unfortunately, it's a huge disappointment. I don't understand what people see in it. Full of genre cliches and tiresome drama, but no real scares.


The promo picture was shown in "Gmod Idiot Box" (a Machinima series) on Youtube. A Combine/fan was trying to get the Gmod Idiot Box creator to make the ninth episode, and was taking him to all these movies with 9 in the title ("House of 9", "District 9", "9", etc.). I'll check out House of 9 sometime, too lol
