MovieChat Forums > Changing Lanes (2002) Discussion > What was up with the Tiger Woods scene?

What was up with the Tiger Woods scene?

Those guys were drunk when they got pissed but what drove Doyle to say some of that stuff to them? Did I miss something they said which would make him get racial? They didn't need to just pick up on the 'fathers' comment but I felt both sides were a bit outta line...unless I missed a cruel comment by the guys before Doyle started talking to them.


one of them made a remark that went something like "there's this black kid with a dumb look on his face saying (in a tard voice) 'look... i'm Tiger Woods...'"


I guess I never noticed that remark.

I do know they took it too far by following him outside, regardless of who started anything. I'd talk down on Doyle hitting them but I do believe they were a threat considering they were coming at him and being a bit intoxicated you never know what they're capable of.

Perhaps Doyle reacted in ways people have had to do with him in the past. I mean as an alcoholic he'd obviously know the behavior so he knew when to strike. If he hadn't, despite it being the first strike, I think it could have been too late. 2 against 1, yeah I'll hit first if I feel threatened.


Yeah when he went Mr. Telephone man on dare a sses they cried like little school girl. Bhahahaha


Didn't he say 'a cute black kid'?

Either way it was pretty daring of them to even mention the race 'Black' so loudly in front of a black man!

Ashmi any question


I just know, I have no doubt that Sam questioned that scene. He said something like this:
Wait a minute ... Tigers father was working as a 'caddy' to support his son, am I right ? And his was a legal, long standing profession, no ? No doubt he had to work hard ... many people do, right ?
At least harder than we do as pampered actors who get paid HUGE sums of money to pretend we are other people all day - but I digress.
So ok, he had to go retrieve some fat, rich white man his cigarettes ... but hey, plenty of young white people have retrieved my meals, cooked to my specifications or, my drink for example. And most of the time they were whites who were paid to do this service for me ... not unlike a caddy. Waitresses, bartenders .... chamber maids even, who changed my soiled sheets and cleaned my hotel bathrooms ... and I bet that many of them were working hard, just as hard as Tigers dad.
Why is it more demeaning to be a caddy than say ... a waiter for example ?
And if he felt sooo damned 'demeaned', that a waiter or bartenders job was more honorable, couldn't he have sought employment at a restaurant, bar ....hotel ? I'm just askin' here ... And I want an answer !! Does he look like a biatch ? You heard me little sucka, does Marsellus Wallace look ... like ... a ....BIATCH ? Go ahead - say 'what' again .... I dare ya...

"Sam, calm down now ... we can talk this out I'm sure !"

My name's PITT !! And your ass ain't talkin' your way out of this *beep* You ain't talkin' yourself outta this one ...

"I was just sayin' Sam that we can ..."


Oh, I'm sorry, did I break your concentration ? The path of the righteous man ...

"Everybody ... RUNNNNNN !!!!!!!"
Or something along these lines ... Sams the man so ya just know he did, am I right ??



Doyle didn't like how they were treating Tiger Woods as a prop

But it doesn't really matter what they were doing. Doyle was looking for a fight, and he'd use ANY excuse to pick one

That it was a trivial, relatively mild issue was the point -- makes it clearer that Doyle was the one at fault, very purposely so
