MovieChat Forums > Changing Lanes (2002) Discussion > boring, Boring and BORING

boring, Boring and BORING

I have seen a lot of movies but here we got a movie with the most boring plot and bad score and oh i almost forgot the characters, such a losers so why care?

The Only thing i thought was great, was that the DVD`s "making of" if you saw that you probably heard the music too so if you did you did hear a cue from The Firm and why are that so great, In this movie we have Sydney Pollack in a part and as you know Sydney Pollack directed "The Firm" hahahaha

By the way i hope that they NEVER do a sequel/remake to this one


Saying this film is boring is saying more about you than the film.


I really liked this movie. It's not what I was expecting but I probably liked it more than I was expecting to. I'll be watching it again soon. I don't know why people say it's boring, maybe they were expecting it to be more of an action film, I know I was.

I didn't think it was boring, if you want to be bored then watch Magnolia.


Changing Lanes, Unbreakable, and American Beauty are not boring to me.

Million Dollar Hotel........hmm well maybe that was a bit depressing

"If God is with us, who can be against us"


Okay, this movie is amazing, but on a curve. For a Ben Affleck movie, this movie is stupifyingly good. for all others invovled it is mediocre. Nuff said.

