MovieChat Forums > Black Knight (2001) Discussion > Martin Lawrence's alleged behavior behin...

Martin Lawrence's alleged behavior behind the scenes

This is from a first-hand account:

Martin Lawrence. Aside from the well documented “exhaustion” episode, he is notorious for being an incredibly difficult actor to work with in almost every way. He did “Black Knight” in Wilmington, NC, and the local film community was aghast at his antics. He apparently didn’t want anyone talking to him or looking at him. He had several set PA’s fired for delivering food improperly to his trailer. He only wanted black, approved crew people in his base camp area, and all surfaces had to be cement or asphalt in order for him to walk on it. No dirt. At every location he had to have access to a full court private basketball area to play pickup games with his entourage, which was a significant production expense and a nightmare for the location department. Although it was set in medieval times, he was unwilling/unable to ride a horse, so they built an expensive robotic one for him to fake it. Nowadays he basically depends on the next Bad Boys sequel to drop.


Did they question Leonardo or Michelangelo on their methods? Or criticize their temperament when they were making great pieces of art to be cherished throughout the centuries? Why are you treating Lawrence differently than the other artists, maybe you think only White people make art?


That sounds supercillious all right, although the only walking on concrete makes funny sense in a dumb superstitious way.
