Racist movie

A white, blonde, American woman who kills a black Mother in front of her daughter in her own house and then cuts the head off of a Japanese woman after getting on a plane and flying to Japan where she also kills and dismembers several other Asian people. What a racist film. CANCELLED!!!


Come on its not racist. Vernita, Oren, Elle... all of them were part of the hit that nearly killed her! They killed her fiancé*!! She indiscriminately got revenge on everyone whom she believed were her 'family'. Also they all attacked her first! Vernita was black, Elle was white, Oren was Asian etc. but they all were cold blooded killers, who also killed indiscriminately.


They killed her fiancee, not her husband. It was a wedding REHEARSAL ;)


You're right, fixed it 😅


don't forget that there were no gay people with important storylines in this movie either!


You didn't think O-Ren Ishii was a lesbian?


I'm not sure. Is she? Or should I say - Ishii? Ho ho ho ho! I'm a barrel of laughs!


I doubt that it was QT's intent. Although her top-level people are mostly female (Gogo, Sophie), that could be because she's had to fight like crazy as a half-Japanese, half-Chinese woman in Yakuza world, so maybe she's just giving a helping hand to those she relates to a bit.

But, maybe...

One thing's for sure, she'd probably have decapitated both of us by now for even talking about it.

And for what it's worth, I laughed at the Ishii/is she pun.


A white, blonde, American woman who kills a black Mother in front of her daughter in her own house and then cuts the head off of a Japanese woman after getting on a plane and flying to Japan where she also kills and dismembers several other Asian people. What a racist film. CANCELLED!!!

riiight. I'm a bit out of touch.
I thought racism was when you called a black person a derogotory term , or didnt give them a job.
Why is all that stuff you said racist?


It's when the best codenames get taken by whitey.

Vernita Green shoulda been motherf--king "Black Mamba".



This board needs a section but for fragile conservatives who always have to be the victim.


Notice that the troll OP never returned.

I’m beyond sick of this kind of thing.


- Black points a gun at white = racism, why are blacks always depicted as criminals?
- White points a gun at black = racism, why are blacks always the victims?
- Black points a gun at black = racism, black people don't do this to each other!
- White points a gun at white = racism, why are there no black people in the story?
