MovieChat Forums > Adaptation. (2003) Discussion > A list of the best movis not to be in th...

A list of the best movis not to be in the top: 250

i would say this film should be in the top: 250 but as itis an average and not my personal choice (terrible) its not in it
i would also include collateral, one of my favourite films of last year
perhaps also gangs of new york
what about you?

make me a producer so I can get my name on imdb



If u wanna see a great movie, see FALLEN, with denzel washington. See it and reply me


Donnie Brasco. Fallen is good, but if we're putting denzel movies let's start with the hurricane and malcolm x.


Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas
True Romance
South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut
Being John Malkovich
Mystery Train
Boogie Nights
Children Of Men
21 Grams
Lost Highway
Jackie Brown
Eyes Wide Shut
Short Cuts
Ghost Dog: The Way Of The Samurai
Carlito's Way
American Psycho
Broken Flowers
Good Will Hunting
Monty Python's The Meaning Of Life
Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me
Wild At Heart
THX 1138
Lord Of War
A History Of Violence
The Three Burials Of Melquiades Estrada


I saw it several weeks ago.
It was quite good for an ordinary TV film but it cannot be compared with great movies.




Titanic ( way underrated - 7.0 Help God )
The English Patient ( it takes the last place on any poll may be it is not seen as often as Forrest Gump )
Brokeback Mountain
Barry Lyndon
The French Connection
Howards End
The Godfather: Part III ( way underrated )
Eyes Wide Shut
The Remains of the Day

That's pretty much it.


-Adaptation (should be top 20)
-City of Lost Children
-Lucky # Slevin
-Lust for Life


"Titanic ( way underrated - 7.0 Help God ) "

Thank you. One other person on the planet who doesn't smash Titanic without good reason. No other film has ever taken an old story and made is so entertaining and added so many layers of themes in history. No one wants to take the time to see it though as it's easier and more popular to say it sucks.

If you can't laugh at yourself, life's gonna seem a whole lot longer than you like.



Lord of War
Bottle Rocket
Team America
South Park
A lot of comedies that deserve to be in there but arent because a lot of people think movies that make you laugh dont deserve to be given a lot of credit...


wow! i can't beleive i'm the first person to mention Blood Diamond. It has a rating of 8.0, but nobody thinks it should be in the top 250?


if i see boondock saints or armageddon on there again I'm gonna have a *beep* heart attack

Being John Malkovich
Truman Show
Boogie Nights
Minority Report is really cool
Garden State if its not on there already
ALMOST FAMOUS especially
28 days later i think is monumental in modern film


i don't understand how this movie (and royal tenenbaums, i <3 huckabees, man on fire 2004, akira, among others) are not in the top list. insanity.

i don't understand why nic didn't get the oscar. and denzel for man on fire.



unless ALL you people have noticed, the top: 250 is based not only on the how high the film is rated, but also on how many people have rated it, this is one thing, and the other thing is both the top: 250 AND your proposals for what deserves to be in there...i'm not even gonna name them.


American Psycho - Brilliant masterpiece


Here's my list...I'm pretty sure more than half of them haven't been mentioned

1. Miller's Crossing
2. Adaptation
3. The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
4. Midnight Cowboy
5. Blue Velvet
6. Repo Man
7. The Royal Tenenbaums
8. High Fidelity
9. The Aviator
10. The Rumble Fish
11. Brokeback Mountain
12. Shane
13. The Hudsucker Proxy
14. The Fisher King
15. Who Framed Roger Rabbit
16. Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
17. Dr. Zhivago
18. The New World
19. Days of Heaven
20. The Thin Red Line
21. Jurassic Park
22. Road to Perdition
23. The Last Waltz
24. Mary Poppins
25. Todo sobre mi madre (All About My Mother)
26. Four Weddings and a Funeral
27. The Darjeeling Limited
28. I'm Not There
29. Black Snake Moan
30. Love Actually
31. Eight Men Out
32. The Untouchables
33. October Sky
34. The French Connection
35. Team America

Even the most primitive of societies have an innate respect for the insane.


How about The Searchers? That's just wrong...unbelievable that it isn't there.

I'm in agreement on a good number of those, especially numbers 1, 2, 14 and 30. Some of my favorites.

"It is time for you to understand this."


1. la haine
2. porco rosso
3. adaption


In my current top 5:

Eyes Wide Shut
Salo, or the 120 Days of Sodom (though I know there is no way it will ever reach the Top 250)
The Sound of Music

There are tons of others, but I don't have the time to include them all right now. :D

Proud member of SHREWS (Society for the Honor Required of Eyes Wide Shut)
