MovieChat Forums > National Security (2003) Discussion > why did this film anger me?

why did this film anger me?

the whole "bee scene" in the beginning of the film really annoyed me. it was almost as if it was saying that black people are taking full advantage of that situation and there was nothing that the white man can do about it. did this bother anybody else or am i just taking lawrence's "comedy" too much to heart?


yea i get really pissed when i wacth that part too
but i liked the movie
i couldnt belive that he would still get fired of not even hitting the guy
and lawrence even ammitted to it


At the time this was made there were these kinds of stories all over the news, (not bee stings but alleged police brutality) so I think the writers tried to capatalze on that as the premise to get these two characters together. I imagine looking back on it (after reading all these comments here) that they should have come up with a better (non racist appearing) way to do so. I don't think at the time they saw it like that, (after all several people here didn't see it as racist until somethings were pointed out.) They were just trying to make a light weight comedy, Lawrence had one coming out every year there.
I would like to hear what Steve Zahn thinks of the opening looking back on it.

Can I borrow your towel? My car just hit a water buffalo.


yeah i want to hear his thoughts on that too.

"Ah, Mr. Seltzer?"
"Ah, it's Setzer."
"No...I think it's Seltzer."
Sigh."Waddya want Homer..."


If taken seriosly, That was an allagory on whites have done
Throught the centures

Im the Alpha and the Omoxus. The Omoxus and the Omega


Martin has become a steppin'fetchit in a lot of his roles lately.


yeah u r taking it too seriously c'mon its just a comedy. but its funny when he tries to place steve zahn on citizens arrest.



well about him being mistreated, if you look at it through the cops perspective, you see someone reaching into a car making it the impression that he could be stealing it. You would react the way Hank did.

Obviously we knew the car was Earl but hank didn't.


yeah u r taking it too seriously c'mon its just a comedy. but its funny when he tries to place steve zahn on citizens arrest.

Maybe,but I thought it was pretty *beep* up though that Zahn's life was made a living hell because Lawrence said he assaulted him(which did not happen) I still liked the movie though

I must become someone else. I must become something else.

Batfleck and Gal Gadot will Prevail




Yeah man, I watched it for the first time stoned, and I was so *beep* pissed off, I couldn't even finish it.

How big...can you make...this truck? - dOUG johnson


racism didnt actually spring to mind when i watched this film, i thought it was another good comedy, and i didnt take the film very seriously to notice the points mentioned in above posts

What the problem is?


It's a freakin' COMEDY. It's not supposed to be taken seriously. To that and you just prove that you're a dumbass.


lol. without the dumbass comment i agree with you and to this day i still find it it amusing and interesting how so many people can be upset at this movie.

my vote history


what the hell is wrong with this board??? lol its a friggin comedic movie. why does everyone say its racist? just watch it and laugh. if it offends you...well then ur a puss puss.


Hey, blackface was comedy, too. Does that mean it's okay to think it's funny?


Dude, the same thing happened to me tonight. I've seen the movie before when I was younger and I felt fine about it. But I tried to watch it tonight while stoned and I swear I felt like I had to go outside for a breath of fresh air or my head was going to explode from Marten Lawrence being suck a dick.



I like this movie because there's a little love for Security Guards/Officers. I'm and armed guard for a power plant and it's a job that needs to be taken as seriously as law enforcement. There's weapons training and even a little anti-terrorism training.

Now, I'm not implying that we're just like special forces but we should have a little more respect. That goes for the unarmed guards too.

Truth be told here, most guards are either waiting to be cops, turned down by law enforcement or looking for stable hours and shifts. All have clean records and all are good people.



Pissed me off as well. Not funny (IMO).

"Hey! Ladies! That was fun!"


All you people who don't find it funny have got to be White. As an ethnic minority I find it to be exceedingly funny... only because it's true. All you White folks out there have never been racially discriminated so you think it's the Black people who take advantage of the situation. Try living your whole life as an disadvantaged minority and see the society for what it really is, White boys.


I'm white and I didn't find it funny because it just wasn't funny to me. Knack all to do with my colour. I laughed in Borat when he called a white man Vanilla Face.

"Hey! Ladies! That was fun!"


I'm black and I found it funny...when Martin Lawrence was talkin about that ass whoopin he got from Steve Zahn's fine girlfriend.

On the real though, what I don't like about this movie is that Martin Lawrence's character reminds me of the manipulative people I had to deal with. I've had to deal with these types of people that cause all kinds of problems and even lie to bring bad things down on you, and then turn around and say that you had it coming, even though you did nothing wrong to him. For the record, some of them were white, some of them black, some of them were of all different races.

I can understand Steve's frustration with Martin (characters). I myself would have done more than knock Martin upside his head.
