MovieChat Forums > Spun (2003) Discussion > how did u find out about this movie

how did u find out about this movie

i never saw any promtion for this movie when it was in the movie theater

but after that i was walking down the street and saw a poster of it out side a video store it looked good so i rented it

so how did u find out about this movie


My girlfriend had it.. I'm not sure how she found it though. Pretty wack/trippy movie.


My brother said "watch the movie Spun, you're gonna love it". And he was right!

My vote history


I was in Alabama last year and I saw it in a store. Saw that John Leguizamo(sp? ) was in it and I'm a fan of drug movies so I picked it up.

Just yesterday there was a thread about it on a site I go to all the time so I suddenly remembered "I own that movie!" and went on a huge epic adventure trying to hunt the damn thing down...Took an hour between me freaking out thinking I had either left it in AL or someone had stolen it down there and then tearing my room apart searching for it. Finally found it and watched it twice last night.


I had recently seen Requiem For A Dream, and I became interested in drug-related films. It sounds odd, but they just fascinate me (and no, I'm not a druggie :P). So anyway, after watching Requim For A Dream, I decided to look up some other drug movies that actual had meaning behind them. I came acros spun, looked it up on wikipedia, liked what I read, and then I downloaded it on my laptop. I'm actually watching it right now for like the 5th time :) This movie is great!

Helena Bonham Carter = Inspiration


I was watching that Britney Spears video on Youtube that shows her on some drug or another and she talks to K-Fed and she's asks him "When does Spun come out"? So I wondered what the heck she was talking about and came across the actual movie.

Haven't seen it yet though, looks interesting. You should check out the video on youtube, pretty fun too.


Someone was asking on the /tv/ board of 4chan for similar movies to this, Requiem for a Dream and Trainspotting, so I thought I'd check this out (I had already seen the other two). Good thing I did...

"This... is my Boomstick!" -Ashley 'Ash' J. Williams


netflix recommended it to me
and thank god they did, cause its a great movie



It was on the "mindfack" movies list that im around a third in atm.

"Common sense is not so common."
- Voltaire


I don't remember exactly how I found Spun but it was here on IMDb. It's one of the BEST movies I have ever seen. God rest Brittany. :-(
