MovieChat Forums > The Wire (2002) Discussion > Characters you admire

Characters you admire

There are some reprehensible characters on The Wire but also some real heroes. Who are the characters you admire most?
My votes are for:
Lester: a brilliant mind and a natural leader
Bubbles: he is damaged, he has screwed up but he is truly kind-hearted and courageous
Omar: the man has a code
Bodie: A soldier, loyal to the end to those he respects
Daniels: Always has his team's back, respects 'chain of command' but will stand up when he disagrees with an order
Colvin: A good man, enough said
Sobotka: Got into bed with the wrong people but his intentions were noble


Valchek, Levy, Cheese and Marlo.

Oh wait, wrong thread.


Omar without a doubt.. The guy was homosexual but at the same time the most forward and straight guy on the show.


No love for the better gender on this show.

Only Kima was mentioned and she's a dyke.


You have to admit, it's a boysy show and I'm not nominating Snoop just because she's a woman!




I really liked Lester because of how smart and smooth he is. Just like Bunk said "he's natural police". If I had to start an investigation, he would be the first one I picked for the team.

I would take McNulty as well because he goes to any length to solve a case and gives you the clearances as Landsman said.

I also loved Bubbles because he was a real and genuine guy.

I admired how Cutty was training those kids and trying to get them off the streets.


Just at the end of Season 4 now, so not sure if anyone else would come up to change my list, but here it goes:

Bubs - had strength, smarts, loyalty (based on a real CI who got of the scene)

Prez - loved the growth arc of this character

Daniels - reminded me Clint Eastwood's The Man with No Name Character -- don't know why but just did

Lester - intelligent, thoughtful, good police

Many others (Michael, Cutty, Colvin, Bung) but the above stand out for me so far....


Lester, Daniels and Frank (season 2).


Prop Joe- Very sad to see him go

Butchie- Blind and so wise

Weebay- Giving his son a chance and getting him away from his awful mother


Omar without a doubt.


I was looking to see if anyone asked this,
Mine are kind of similar to yours


I am only in season three.


Slim Charles
