
*beep* 'J' 'C'!"??? The movie was awesome until I was forced to change the channel. Why would they ruin a good movie with that one line - not to mention the other racial slurs; sitting in prison, anyone would recant those statements, I would hope.


You've obviously never seen any other of the brilliant Spike Lee movies, or been in NYC for that matter.


"You've obviously never seen any other of the brilliant Spike Lee movies..."

Haha. Like He Got Game? Or maybe Bamboozled. This is his best movie. Both Spike and NYC are overrated.


"Haha. Like He Got Game? Or maybe Bamboozled. This is his best movie. Both Spike and NYC are overrated."

I do agree that this is his best film, but thats only because it is that good, I thought that Bamboozled was great


You are so ignorant. Never see Do The Right Thing? Never seen Malcolm X?? Never seen Clockerz?? All very good movies, on top of 25th hour.

He might say many dumb things and annoys the hell out of me, but there is NO doubt he is a great film maker.



You do know that he blamed himself for his problems at the end of that speech, right?

Besides.. JC does suck anyways.


Oh my, I do pity you Amor.... whatever, not a good thing to say.....


jeannie, you're totally brainwashed with the religious mystical fantasy nonsense. You're superstitious and ignorant and cowardly because you won't face the truth. Grow up and toss off the childish fantasy -- all religions are myth, falsehoods, inventions of greedy and controlling people.


That's very close-minded of you; religious or not, you should have some grasp that this line does not reflect the views of the film makers. Do you expect a man with one day until he is due for prison to have a rosy outlook on life? Insulting the figure that represents western civilisation in the last 2000 years is in fitting with his anger at his surroundings.


You're a complete moron. I am a Christian nad I even understood what he was saying..


Being a pakistani I didn't find his comment/monologue offensive at all. It was the best scene of movie in my opinion.


Yeah, I'm Pakistani too and I didn't find it offensive. If you take some sh*t in a movie seriously, you're a friggin moron.


Yeah, welcome to the world of Christianity.


Awwww, someone said something bad about your boyfriend...booo hooo.
Get a *beep* life loser.


I'm a Christian and I find it a little offensive.
But, the whole scene was offensive, then he
blamed himself at the end. He wasn't really mad
at any of the people he mentioned, he was just
blaming them for his problems.

You really should watch the whole movie.
It's really good. It brought emotion to
you, which is a good quality in a

The good news is you're going to the party.
The bad news is you're the caterer.


Totally agree


should've watched the rest of it. but since you got "offended" by that line, maybe it's a good thing you didn't because the whole point of the movie would been lost to you anyway.


wow dude, whether you believe in God or not that is rude of you to say, ill pray for you man, or maybe I should pray that one day you can grow up and act like the man God wanted you be


Its only a movie, i mean i didn't like hearing it, but still. I thought it was true when he said "slavery ended 137 years ago, move the *beep* on"


You are a very "sorry" individual, and probably a big time Hater.


I certainly drink the hatorade when it comes to a giant lie people expect me to believe. Anybody that thinks god is real needs to grow the *beep* up or immediately commit suicide for the Jesus elevator.


awh, sad, I do feel for you in this life, But especially in the next.


Untill this day,I had no prob's with christians but,after reading what they wrote here...this time has long gone.

I suggest all you JC-Friends take a good look at yourselves,ha!


You are a sick f!! sorry about your luck! Now and forever.


Wow, woman. Chill out. You're completely out of your mind. You're ranting like a mad baboon against people who just don't care about a bloody crucified figure carved out of birch, no matter how important that piece of wood is to you and all your legion of fanatics. Is that what your God does to your brain? Then I'm glad I said "No, thank you" when I was 12.


It is your choice to change the channel...however you missed the message... and one helluva peformance by Edward Norton.
The F.U. diatribe represented a manifestation of the character's pent up rage toward his own (selfish) lifestyle choice.

The audience is given a shocking look at the "other side" of a complicated yet somewhat sensible and compassionate man. Earlier we see his empathy for a severely injured dog. We begin to wonder how he tolerates an association with the dim-witted and repulsive character whom portrays his sidekick.

In the memorable F.U. scene, we begin to realize that this guy has a real battle going on within his own mind. His strange anger is amplified by his impending fate, but is ultimately directed toward the side of himself that has all these misguided and sterotypical thoughts. It is at this moment that his "good and evil" sides confront each other and good finally wins. This, in turn, sets the stage for his moral choices throughout the rest of his life. We can only hope that while watching this scene, most New Yorkers are shaking their heads...and not nodding.

I believe this contraversial scene serves several purposes within this entertaining story, but if it is somehow too offensive than 10 seconds of fast forward will reward you with another hour of Norton and Lee at their finest.


I know everyone is probably mad at the OP for stating this. I don't know because I didn't read them, perhaps I should.

I completely agree. I stayed until the end of his rant to see what he was going to mean by all of this, and it doesn't even fix itself. I couldn't believe it when he said Jesus had it easy by being crucified, when if he knew anything the crucifixion is probably the hardest thing anyone has ever had to go through. I was very unimpressed with the decision to add that in there. I can understand the racial slurs getting his point across, even though I dislike racists with a passion, but according to my beliefs, which I'm not forcing on anyone if you notice, speaking of my Creator like that is way over the line.

the ellipsis was a stupid idea


this scene was edward norton at his ranting finest, i loved it. and i'll never understand why people get so upset cuz someone says something negative about the star of The Bible...sorry, to me it's just another best selling novel. but i'd never dis something because it was religous, if you stay close minded in that way you'll miss so much in life.


donnyschick35 posted: this scene was edward norton at his ranting finest, i loved it. and i'll never understand why people get so upset cuz someone says something negative about the star of The Bible...sorry, to me it's just another best selling novel. but i'd never dis something because it was religous, if you stay close minded in that way you'll miss so much in life.

i agree but i must point out that people overreact when christians are offended in something that would, if said about muhammed, lead to rioting, bombings and death. i think that christians, the good ones, state their point honestly and without hate. thats commendable. and im sure that any christian would be insulted by your belittling comment referring to christ as 'the star of the bible', and rightfully so


So we should avoid badmouthing your invisible friend in all forms of media from this day forth just so that you're not "offended" by someone's views who don't match your own?

Must REALLY burn you when judaism and islam claim your boy JC isn't the messiah, huh? Or when the Buddhists, Hindu, Taoists, Shinto, etc, etc, etc don't even necessarily admit to his existance at all? Get over it, it's all just a 2000 year game of chinese whispers that's based on another 2000+ year game of chinese whispers, which is based off someone else's game of chinese whispers. Any resemblance now to the original text is purely coincidental, and there's as many people out there killing in the name of christ as there is killing in the name of mohammad, it's just the islamic ones get more airtime because they like to make stuff public.

Also, next time you decide to use the "muslims like to burn people that badmouth their prophet" line, take a look at what christians did to abortion clinics, gay bars, and pretty much anything else that doesn't conform to their concept of morality.

I suggest you get off that high horse, cos it's legs are AWFUL tired.


Did you enjoy the taste of that Kool-Aid, Charlie?

The Doctor is out. Far out.


You are so sad. You have not a clue do you?


Very much right on kellypi and thank you.


Totally agreed, You know how Satan hates for people to take a stand for God! that's why people get so angry, just influenced without realizing it. I about died when that line was in there too! pretty shocked actually. I did love this movie though, and I think Norton is one of the finest actors of all time, But I do wish that line was not in the film.


That was the single most amazing scene in Edward Norton's career.

a minute away from snowing...


That was the single most amazing scene in Edward Norton's career.

Hmm not really. The most amazing scene in his career is actually in Primal Fear. In fact there are multiple of scene.

I'm watching you watch over me and I've got the greatest view from here.


Exactly, How idiotic! With all Nortons great talent......


I can understand how people are offended by this. If you are offended by something then you are offended, some are offended more easily than others.

My friend's mother (A Christian) romoved the rental copy from their shop after she had seen it and threw it in the trash. Me, as a Catholic, I was offended at first. But after seeing the whole scene out, I understood where the message was going and the context in which it was written. From the characters point of view, he's willing to blame anyone and anything for the stint in prison he's about to face, until he realises there's no one else to blame but himself.

I'd be offended if you hadn't pointed out that the JC scene wasn't the only part that disturbed you, the racial slurs were equally as bad. I've always been a fan of Spike Lee and I'm happy to have this movie as a part of my collection, I think it's one of his best films. I don't think Spike is to blame for this scene. For starters he's always been one to tackle racial and religious issues and the fact is that this scene was taken as written by David Benioff in the novel but shortened and edited slightly - it's at the end of chapter 12.

I'm offended by some of the comments in here about religion and Jesus, I don't think counter posting to someone being offended by something with more offensive material is the right way to make a point. But that's just me and I'm probably just setting myself up for more punishment.

I agree with what robstaples had to say, that's great insight into the character and events.

"I can...but I don't"


I think the point of the JC slur is that (in the characters mind at that point) old J.C. spent a couple of days up on a cross in agony, dies and then is resurected and after a few days gets to spend eternity reigning over heaven with his dad, in the grand scheme of a deal like that it's a pretty easy transaction in Norton's mind, a few days pain for eternity being the number two guy in heaven, while also being able to be smarmy and self-rightous about the whole things wheras Norton's character and his pretty boy face is quite possibly going to be reamed by big fat prison gay pimps and have his teeth smashed out so he can't chomp down when they're going to blurt their load for the umpteenth time, at which point they might bugger him a few more times, beat him and humiliate him on a daily basis for about 7 years and maybe kill him. I reckon in his mind he's comparing his mis-fortune to that of J.C. and is reckoning the guy had it easy. . . He then realises that he's only got himself to blame too, making him even more angry.

Despite the high cost of living, it remains popular.
