
*beep* 'J' 'C'!"??? The movie was awesome until I was forced to change the channel. Why would they ruin a good movie with that one line - not to mention the other racial slurs; sitting in prison, anyone would recant those statements, I would hope.


the_bean-2..You are ignorant and did not understand the intention of the speech. I pity you're fear of the fairy tale known as hell.


Perhaps you should stick to Disney films then, softy. It's a film about a drug dealer you wally, I believe they do swear occasionally.


Weak minded hypocrites enjoy cringe humor until it's their turn to get offended. You mention the other slurs as if "oh yeah...that was bad too". Religion is for the weak minded to have something to look up to so they don't get all scared at their place in the big bad world and back in the day, it was a way to keep the peasants in line. Scare them with the voodoo talk.


I was watching this with my friends..and nobody felt his speech was offensive until Monty said something against their beliefs.. we all learnt something that day..
I feel that people here are looking at it the wrong way. yu shudnt feel angry at the writer and director ..its the character who is saying those things 'coz he wants to blame everyone else for his state. of course what he said __'HE' HERE IS THE CHARACTER PLAYED BY EDWARD NORTON-MONTY__ was wrong. he shudnt have blamed god or other people of other races. but why did some people get offended with the movie as a whole i dont get it...more maturity is required while watching movies like this..
when some character in a movie rapes, murders, steals ..we dont switch off and stop watching the movie..because the director is not advocating those things but he is just portraying the characters for what they are...
if yu are the kinda of audience who cant digest these kinda a movies then i suggest some movies for yu
""parent trap, home alone,101 dalmations, and other disney movies ""
coz in these movies yu ll find THE PERFECT WHITE AMERICA and yu wont get offended and feel hurt or get ur sentiments crushed...
but guess what the real *beeping* world is not like that...there is racism,anti-semitics,rapists,believers, unbelievers, people who wont think twice before ripping ur head off for a *beeping* dollar..and there are writers and directors who ve got the balls for show the world and its people exactly the way they are...
so the people who ve got offended by this movie ..grow up and look beyond the words and images yu see...what MONTY says is deep and shows the anguish of a person who's life is f(*)cked and he cant do anything abt it..
i feel this movie was amazing and real and wasnt a sell out...

Don’t judge me based on your ignorance



gospel_of_iastdays : I have certainly heard of religious tolerance and I do practice it. I gave my opinion on the stupidity of organized religion but I don't try to dissuade other people who may need to invent something like that in their lives to avoid feeling lost in the world. I actually do value organized religion in some ways because without it, I wouldn't have as many days off as I do now.



I am sure that's exactly what Jesus himself would have said, if he were around.

The only thing worse than a mindless fanatic like the OP is a hypocrite like yourself. Don't even try to pretend you have any religion in you when you can spew something like that.

...I was cured, all right.


You are a sick one there Max! feel very sorry for you.


you seem to be missing the point of the movie. It is about corruption, it being everywhere, but jsut as the good have corruption in them, the corrupt have a soul. What would you do to redeem said corruption? That is where the movie was heading. That scene was their to show his anger not only at his situation but himself. He is trying to literally throw the blame on everything else. Aslo that scene is calling out the corruption on all sides of new york. watch it again, it is supposed to be brutal. The world is. Hope that helps.


Get over yourself seriously, you shouldn't be watching movies if you cant be open minded about this stuff.

Scrubs sucks and i like french folk music.


Ha ha, best sig ever, man!
Yeah, six years later, too. The world is catching its tail.


Where are you from exactly? Maiorca maybe? Here in north-east Italy blasphemy is pretty common and for what i know blasphemous expressions are used as simple interjections just in Italy and Spain (and other hispanophone countries perhaps).



it's reality. people disrespect jesus all the time. that's what spike lee is trying to portray in this movie. reality.


the bean-2:

i feel sorry for you because you've missed out on a lot of good movies if you stop watching after being offended. You gotta open your mind man. If you only expose yourself to things that make you feel 100% comfortable you will miss out on SO MUCH! Not diggin on you so don't take it that way.

And to end on a sarcastic note; i suggest you rent Dogma.


yea *beep* Jesus gotta a problem...grow a pair of *beep* balls
