
*beep* 'J' 'C'!"??? The movie was awesome until I was forced to change the channel. Why would they ruin a good movie with that one line - not to mention the other racial slurs; sitting in prison, anyone would recant those statements, I would hope.


It's funny how many people people preach tolerance towards alternative lifestyles but are quite at ease bashing Christians. If this movie made such a blatantly disrespectful remark about Muhammad, there would be hell to pay. Think about if it had said "F U Muhammad" instead. People would be saying how disrespectful.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not religous but I also respect every religions right to exist. Anybody that doesn't think there is a double standard is fooling themselves.



It's funny how many people people preach tolerance towards alternative lifestyles but are quite at ease bashing Christians. If this movie made such a blatantly disrespectful remark about Muhammad, there would be hell to pay. Think about if it had said "F U Muhammad" instead. People would be saying how disrespectful.

Orgies are not too much fun if no one wants to do it with you.


It's funny how many people people preach tolerance towards alternative lifestyles but are quite at ease bashing Christians. If this movie made such a blatantly disrespectful remark about Muhammad, there would be hell to pay. Think about if it had said "F U Muhammad" instead. People would be saying how disrespectful.

I don't understand at all what you're trying to say. Christians are not downtrodden upon society like blacks, gays, and more recently, Muslims. Christians have made up the majority of the world for a millennium -- "bashing" has nowhere near the ramifications of "bashing" the minority. You have a lot more learning to do in this area.

Protest the Top 250, vote this a 10!



As a faithful catholic i can truly say that I was not offended by the line, and consider this one of my favorite movies of all time. It's people like you that give christians a bad name with your traditionalist views. This movie was about so much more than any sort of religious or racial statement. The whole point of the movie was examining human emotions and feeling and showing some of the ugly aspects of life.


Another thing... this was not a public rant/speech... we see it because this is a character in a movie and it give us insight to his state of mind, opinion of self and others, etc... but Monty is ranting to himself in a mirror. He never intended for anyone else to hear it.

Honesty is the best policy, but insanity is a better defense.


Oop, just got an e-mail:

Dear Bean-o:

Over the past 2,000 -some-odd years, roughly 6, 890, 234, 098 people have told me to f--- myself. I am a big boy, and can deal with it.

Your friend,


[Just kidding. Don't have the Savior's personal e-mail. I do get his Tweets, though.]

Another Christian here. I got in an online debate with another of my ilk, who was asked how he would react to somebody who had twisted their ankle in front of him and shouted out a blasphemy. He said, he would gently but respectfully ask that person to understand how offensive he found that language, and then tend to their wound.

I about spit out my teeth. "Really?" I --typed. "If someone took a spill in front of you and swore, you would give them a lecture on their language? It wouldn't even occur to me to bring it up!"

Same with Monty. He is out of his tree with fear and rage. If I as a Christian am too feeble to hear that kind of anger once in a while, in the interest of understanding someone, then what the hell use am I to the guy I am supposed to be worshipping?


Oh shut the hell up you narrow bastard. If you got how it related to the movie and its themes, maybe you wouldn't be such a c-nt.


I really am genuinely bemused that this thread has become such an issue. I am what a lot of people would know to be an Athiest - my view of ALL religion is thus:

the way I see it, in fact the only realistic way I think anyone can see it is that there is no religion - no jehovah, no allah, no jesus christ, no messiah, no prophets, no holy trinity, no miracles, nothing - N-O-T-H-I-N-G!! We are all going to die and nothing will happen - we will all rot, no-one will save us, no armageddon, no end of days, no holy grail, no pergatory, no hell, no satan, no resurrection - it is all a method of control - brain-washing. Why do you think we are all taught about it as children - because it sinks in while we are young enough to know no different - to be honest it is almost criminal... The biggest weakness of the human race is our need to believe we are special - we aren't, we are (relatively) clever apes and by the time we realise it collectively, we will have probably wiped ourselves and nearly everything else off the face of the planet. If you have a different opinion then good for you, I'm of the opinion that you're completely wrong and in serious need of an IQ test or a head examination.

Anyway - back to the film - the way I saw it was that the "F@#K jesus christ" section was a part of a much larger b!tchfest by Monty and I saw it that he was looking for anyone else but himself to blame - a lot of people seem to have said the same thing and seem to have understood that he was merely lashing out at anything he could aportion some blame onto when all he knew he could realistically do was blame himself - he even admitted to this later in the film - I seem to recall him saying something about him being cocky and greedy and that he could have retired from the game but didn't..

I would like to add that I don't really see that it was that offensive either - he blamed what was part of his life and, being an irish-american in New York, I'm guessing that cathlocism would have had some role to play in his life..

Religion is mankind's safety blanket - mankind should grow up...

I don't have to sell my soul, he's already in me.


That's how the character feels in the heat of the moment, although he ultimately realizes his anger is inward and realigns himself as the target. The movie isn't condoning his statement. Stop being a baby.


No thinking person believes in blasphemy. And plus, Monty's Irish, therefore, he was most likely raised in a Catholic home. Of course Jesus would be his target.


I can't believe how touchy you religious people can be.

Here's a nice view on religion and tolerance.


Really? After all the hate in that speech, THAT'S the thing that offended you? Your priorities suck, champ.
