horrible title song

one of the best anime that i have watched..but it has the worst title song that i have heard ...well in my opinion..the credits song is awesome



Absolutely love the song! So bad it's good... Agreed, it is a bit of a wtf moment when you hear it for the first time. But I wouldn't change a single word. Or note.


I like to play Berserker by Love Among Freaks (from Clerks) during the title sequence.

Thit and thpin!


like pearls before swine... Hirasawa Susumu is one of the greatest composers of our generation.


Agreed, that song haunts my soul. Horrible tone, completely out of tune and just *beep* produced in every way. Then just when you think it cant get worse the singing begins...


I actually kind of like "Tell Me Why". It's cheesy but I find it strangely fitting with the shows opening credits. Plus it kind of reminds me of opening to Highlander, where first we start with a quiet narration which then cuts straight into the Queen song "Princes of the Universe".

The best song in the series however was "Forces" by Susumu Hirasawa and it's a crime that it was only used for the next episode previews. I know I'm not alone when I say it's the true theme of Berserk.

"We'll be alive but like a nightmare. You drink blood, you won't wake up from nightmare."



maybe you need to put your grasses on and re-examine this opinion.


It grows on you. Its funny how upbeat it is for such a dark show. On a side note by the end of the series the credit song becomes haunting as hell in hindsight, seriously.
