MovieChat Forums > Mystic River (2003) Discussion > Casting Issue: Jimmy's race/ethnicity de...

Casting Issue: Jimmy's race/ethnicity descrepency

Has anyone else noticed that the boy who plays Jimmy as a boy is a red haired, blue eyes (possibly Irish) boy but Sean Penn has pitch-black hair and is Italian. Although blond kids grow up to have darker hair, ginger won't turn into black-hair. Your ethnicity/race doesn't change when you grow up. What was the director thinking when he was casting?


Totally agree. When they first jumped from the flashback to the present day I didn't yet have all the names down. Because of that I had a terrible time figuring out who was who because the ginger was no where to be found.

Honestly I figured young Sean had to be Sean Penn (Jimmy) based their hair. And that young Jimmy must be Tim Robbins (Dave) because he was the only one that sorta looked Irish. Then Kevin Bacon showed up and I was totally lost.

"But baseball has marked the time" ~Field of Dreams~


Jimmy = black hair = Sean Penn
Dave = tall = Tim Robbins
Sean = red hair = Kevin Bacon


Bacon's hair ranges from sandy blond to light brown, red hair like the kid could darken a bit to darker red hair and look non red if slicked with gel or something. Look at Michael Fassbender passing himself off as brown haired when he's also a ginger.

For me, I thought Penn was Sean because of the dark hair, Robins was clearly Dave by his demeanor and flashback, and I thought Bacon was Jimmy because Bacon has naturally the lightest hair amongst them.

Global Warming, it's a personal decision innit? - Nigel Tufnel


Uhh Sean Penns character was not portrayed as Italian, not sure where you came up with that? He very clearly has connections to the Irish mob (the scene with the very visible cross with the four leaf clover in the middle, tattooed on his back should have been helpful)


Also there are many Irish people with black hair and dark features i.e. Colin Farrell


True. But the kid that they got to play the young Penn has red/light hair.

Global Warming, it's a personal decision innit? - Nigel Tufnel


Sean Penns character was named 'Markum' which most certainly is not Italian.

That and Charlestown, MA is or was almost exclusively an Irish enclave.


Markum is an English name, so Jimmy was at least part Anglo.


Definitely NOT italian! Sean Penn's character is most likely Irish bc of his tattoo and movie being set in Boston. Note: throughout organized crime history, including today...there's a large number of criminals and crews that are Irish. In fact, most associates of the Italian Mafia were Irish. Example, the movie "Goodfellas", both Robert Deniro and Ray Liotta characters were of mostly Irish descent. Also, in real life, Robert Deniro is more Irish than Italian. People of Irish decent aren't all red head or blond. Some have black hair and dark eyes...example, actor Matt Dillon is Irish decent.


Yeah, there's no resemblance at all between the child and the man. In fact, I don't think they're even related. It's as if they're actors in a play where poetic licence is the rule and the audience willingly suspend their disbelief to enjoy the drama.

Oh. Wait a minute. They are.


Holy foc who cares?


The dark haired kid with the serious face grew up into Kevin Bacon's character. His hair got lighter. It happens. There's a photo for the actor that played Young Sean, as I write this, so it's really clear who's who in this case.

The ginger turned into Sean Penn's character (Irish). His hair got darker. It happens. But maybe not the most likely. Also, Markham sounds English, but on the other hand there's a heckuva lotta mixing in the British Isles. I have both Irish and English names in the generations before me, for example.

The bigger kid that got in the car turned into by far the tallest of the three men, Tom Robbins' character. Seemed pretty clear to me!


Thanks for reminding me of the author Tom Robbins (Jitterbug Perfume).


I thought at first, that Jimmy grew up to be Kevin Baconand Sean who dint want to break the rules grew up to be the criminal.
