This show died...

With Dana Fairbanks.


even Chaiken said she wouldn't have done it if she knew what a big deal it would be. Gotta say though, some of the audio commentaries with Erin Daniels are really funny because she talks about how she got fired and killed off, so something good came of it i guess :)


While the death of Dana was a shock, when you look at the characters in the show in terms of that storyline, her death would have more of an impact. She was a clean-living professional athlete and, despite all of that, she could be hit with breast cancer just as easily as any other woman on the planet. In that respect, I thought it was a good choice.

Personally, I still enjoyed the show until the last season, at which point it became a full-blown, over the top soap opera like Melrose Place. Crazy Jenny was lame as *beep*.


I can't help but think of this from an interview they did on afterellen with Kathy Greenberg and Michelle Abbot (Who created the show with Chaiken):

AE: Speaking of storytelling, let’s talk about Dana’s death. Michele, you’re healthy now, but you were diagnosed with breast cancer
during development. How did you feel about Dana’s death?

MA: I thought it was total bullsh-t that she died. I liked
her story until that point. …We were all aware of my issue and talking
about it in development. It was on the table — not in the script, but
on the table personally — and it was pretty distracting for me as far
as what was important in my life. … Once you get in that world, it’s
very scary, because there’s no doctor who can tell you, “Okay, here’s
exactly what you have to do.” You have a million different choices and
you have to go to different oncologists. … It’s insane, the complexity
of treatment.

KG: It would have been a great thing to explore in the show. It was a missed

MA: Anyone who’s experienced it knows the truth of it — you always
want to see someone survive. … I think the threat of death would have
been enough of an element of drama. … Viewers could have been taken on
an inspirational journey where Dana battles cancer and wins. It was a rotten
portrayal and it didn’t play out.


I actually would have rather seen Shane die than Dana. To the person who said "OF COURSE it wasn't going to be Shane or any of the other characters..." why is Dana so much less than them? They only got to be so huge because they kept being in the show. I didn't like Shane at all, and why did she need to keep being in the show as the main star? She wasn't the main star. Just had the most hookups/relationships, so more drama for her. I'm watching a scene right now where she's talking about seeing MADONNA, and one of the others asks, "did she like you?" and Shane just gives her this look like "of course she liked me!" Ugh, I just can't stand that. This show would have been a lot better in my opinion without Shane. And it had plenty of drama already without her. The others cheated, lied, had one night stands, partied. The only drama she added was drugs.

Although, Kit did have the most annoying voice in the world. She might be my second choice.


I agree.
Some good came of it though.
I read somewhere there was a donation of 4 milion dollars to breast cancer research because of Dana's death! Ilene said that in an interview...


Holy crap 4 million donated?! Probably good she died then for that donation.


Shane should have died in episode one, and Jenny should never have been in it at all.


Agree and for me also her break up with Lara. They were perfect for each other I hated the Dane-Alice relationship because they were such good friends so it looked so out of place of them hooking together. I really wish Lara would get a regular role as part of the group. Lauren Lee Smith was awesome on the show.


I found a 1 million donation and looks like it could have been way more since she was matching everyone elses donations dollar for dollar.


mjpe-708449684 wrote:

This show died...With Dana Fairbanks.

@mjpe-708449684: I completely agree! She was my favorite character, and Gods, her smile... *swoons and melts*
