Jenny's character

I just started watching the show on Netflix, partly because of the cast. I have always found Mia Kershner to be such a unique actress, and certainly looks unique as well! I was glad to see her as a show regular. I am nearing the end of Season 2, and I have to ask......does Jenny ever get less annoying?!? Mia does a wonderful job portraying Jenny, it's Jenny herself that is irritating as hell! She ALWAYS looks like she wants to cry, EVERYTHING has to be a big deal....I get that she's a writer and this is the "artsy" in her. But she's way over the top!
So can someone tell me......? Will Jenny ever calm the hell down?


Bad news I'm afraid. Jenny gets worse and worse with each passing season. More dramatic, more selfish, more nasty, more self-obsessed, more vain, more snobbish, more destructive and MUCH more diva-like. I can say without any hesitation that you will hate Jenny by the time you have finished all the seasons. I have yet to meet anybody that didn't hate her by the end of the run.

The one redeeming aspect is that Mia Kirshner plays the part exceedingly well. As much as I hated Jenny I still kind of looked forward to seeing how much lower she could actually sink. And her bitchiness and diva personality supplied some pretty funny comedy moments.


So I won't hold out hope lol! Thank you:)


She gets a lot worse, I actually really liked her at first but I ended up despising her at the end. I didn't start hating her until around season 5, but she's definitely the lesbian you love to hate, and even though everyone hates her, she's still a huge part of the plot and still has redeeming qualities in my opinion. Mia does an AMAZING job with this character though, I loved watching "Jenny Schecter" transform into "JENNY F*#KING SCHECTER" if you know what I mean haha.


I'm currently watching the show on Netflix and came on here wondering if it was just me who completely despised Jenny. I see I am not alone in this! Geez, she is not only annoying, but always the freaking victim. And I guess she has a past that may have messed her up a bit, but the things she does and says are done in a manner where she has no concern of how it affects others, bringing people all in her BS and playing with their emotions at times while she tries to figure herself out, I guess. The actress does a great job portraying her, if that's what she was going for in portraying Jenny, because I can't stand her most of the time.



Actually Season 5, IMO,is all the Lez Girls scripted movie, according to Jenny. It makes everyone else look like caricatures and stereotypes. Three women running after Shane? Riiiggghhhttt.
There is NO reality in S5.


She's a complete sociopath. You can tell from the first season. Just rewatched the series and you can see it building.


It's like Michael's character on MELROSE PLACE. He's a nice married guy in season one, then becomes JR Ewing in the latter seasons.

I think shows simply need to have a leading antagonist to make things interesting.

But I think Jenny is a very good character, and important: It's really through her eyes we learn about everything in the first season. Most of the episodes ended on Jenny. Her seduction by Marina was really, really sexy, unlike so many other love scenes that became commonplace and dull after a while. And her pretentiousness showed how down to earth the other girls are.


Like what scenes for instance did it start building? Because I didn't think she started to show until the 3rd season


Wow that's cool because I finished season 2 yesterday and started the whole series because of Mia Kirshner.
I think Jenny's character is totally crazy and weird but it's fun to watch. Sometimes she creeps the hell outta me but as I read the later seasons she becames a real negative character (maybe less confused and more bitchy). Maybe she wishes "a guy would take a dump on her chest."



Again: you're in for a treat. She's very understandable and engaging, if flawed, in the first two seasons, but then she becomes a psychotic, self-absorbed, utterly ridiculous lesbian hipster by the end of season 3.

You're a sexual Disneyland.


Well I finished the whole series now and you're right. While I think she was never "normal" (just check the bathroom scene...or any other scene from season 2 :)) her character was really complex and exciting but the writers totally ruined her and she became a one dimensional gender-nazi *beep* That's not a bad thing to have a Jockey Ewing in a series but this change is unbelievable. What more the later seasons really lost their reality factor.

I guess season 1-2 were a strong 8/10 while season 3 was a 7/10 and then 4-6 were 5/10. Sorry to say that.


I think part of the problem is that Chaiken had a deep emotional attachment to the character's "origin" story. Because of that, she possibly didn't want Jenny to be brought down by others. I mean, who wants to see their own Mary Sue humbled? Remember when Kate meets with Stacy Merkin, and they delight in exposing Jenny's bad behavior and taking over Lez Girls? The show never lets that happen; instead of humbling Jenny, the storyline just continues to validate her self-absorption and pretentiousness.

By the same token, though, I've come to terms with Jenny's character and her sudden death. I felt like it was a fitting end to her practically unimpeded, unprecedented, meteoric rise to fame.

You're a sexual Disneyland.


She was the best character! I hate how people hate her lol

Her entire demeanor in season four was beyond hilarious. Her french accent when calling Stacy Merkin. When she made out with Alice. The whole, "Shane, say Stacy Merkin is a f*ing *beep*

I loved her insane weirdness. She was out of her mind, it was amazing.


Yeah she was out of her mind crazy but I don't think it was amazing. :-p Mia Kirshner who played, her did an amazing job yes but the character was a complete and total self-absorbed B by the last few seasons! I could take her being a diva and thinking her *beep* don't stink but what she did to ALL of her so called "friends", was unforgivable. And that is probably why everyone mainly hated/hates her character.


She had some of the funniest one-liners. "No one ever wants to see Nina have sex! No one will go to the film."


I'm wondering why they took so long to kill her off. I hated from episode one. One thing about the actress, she sells that character. I can't stomach her in anything else after watching this.


That's a shame, because Mia Kirshner is amazing in 24 and Defiance. She's also the only reason I suffered through The Black Dahlia and Exotica.

You're a sexual Disneyland.


Exotica is a great movie. I think it was Atom Egoyan's best...but still not as great as Not Another Teen Movie of course


Ok who did kill crazy?


This girl creeps me out. There is definetly something underlying here with her. I wonder if this is the actresses interpretation or she was told to do this.

I am mid season two, and she has gotten worse.

She is like a bad train wreck, i can't seem to turn away. LOL.

Swing away, Merrill....Merrill, swing away...


She definitely had a personality disorder. She had psychopathic tendencies and impulsively cheats on people, but there was something sympathetic about her. Just about everyone in this show was damaged in one way or another, but I always thought she was going to die before the end of the run of the show.

The storyline where she adopts a dog for the sole purpose of having it put down as an excuse to get close to a female veterinarian because the vet is a girlfriend of a columnist who gave Jenny's story a bad review in order to hurt the columnist... That really clinched the psychopath bit for me. She feels bad about it later, but she still does it. Like she didn't really think out what would happen once she got what she wanted. She lived her whole life like that.



I don't know if Jenny was a sociopath, as much as a victim of sexual abuse, and then later, a victim of Hollywood. She acts out in ways that def point out to having been abused - because it's television, it gets taken to an extreme, but a lot of people who have been victims of abuse become neurotic.

I disagree the show got less realistic in the later seasons - it may feel that way to us - but I think the writers and producers were making a commentary on what Hollywood and LA are like. They are telling stories about a world they are intimately familiar with - the egos, the money, the sleazy producers, the pressure to conform and perform. A lot of people are "ruined" by the way business is done in Hollywood, the amount of money that's involved, the power and control that can be had, the influence on people and popular culture. I think part of Jenny's story is how badly some people handle fame and success, particularly people who're abuse Survivors.

On the cut throat business sub plots around The Planet - i don't see that as any different than some of the things you'd see in a show about Chicago, or NY - there are some really shady business people in the world, and most of us are insulated from that kinda thing, but it actually happens all the time.

I hated hated hated Jenny - her character foundation is that she cheats on her fiance Tim, lies about it, acts like Marina is the only person to blame when Jenny's equally at fault and just as much a cheater as Marina, then treats Tim like crap, and waffles endlessly about whether she's bi or lesbian, I never understood why Shane liked her, other than that they were both damaged.


Diotima you make very good points.

I kind of let Jenny slide on the cheating because she was struggling with her sexuality. Can't be easy to go through that. Cheating isn't right but at least she didn't do what some people I know do, make a mockery of their marriage and cheat on the downlow and embarrass their spouse by bragging. At least Jenny in the end accepted herself.

I may be one of the few people who doesn't hate Jenny. I feel Alice is just as bad. I mean sure she is funny but she causes so much trouble because she can't keep her big mouth shut. In ways none of them are better than Jenny. They each show horrible behavior.

Your right about Shane. They are both damaged. You also have to remember that Shane saw Jenny at her worst, so wanting to help her came into play. Also Jenny may be the only girlfriend who got Shane. She knew Shane was damaged and needed to cheat. In a way they understand each other in a way others don't.


She is by far the most annoying character I have ever watched on television. So much so, I almost stopped watching the show because I couldn't stand to see or hear her anymore. Wishing she would have been killed or written off.
