Jenny's character

I just started watching the show on Netflix, partly because of the cast. I have always found Mia Kershner to be such a unique actress, and certainly looks unique as well! I was glad to see her as a show regular. I am nearing the end of Season 2, and I have to ask......does Jenny ever get less annoying?!? Mia does a wonderful job portraying Jenny, it's Jenny herself that is irritating as hell! She ALWAYS looks like she wants to cry, EVERYTHING has to be a big deal....I get that she's a writer and this is the "artsy" in her. But she's way over the top!
So can someone tell me......? Will Jenny ever calm the hell down?


I think the internet has changed my perspective on characters... I'm watching netflix, season 3 / almost season 4, and i think jenny is just the biggest troll, but really kind of funny... "sex isn't a leisure activity..." "can't decide whether to make it an editorial, or a new york type piece..." i was dying laughing, but I think in 2005 i would have hated her.


She for sure gets worse. But in my opinion it is amazing. The first time I watched the show (about 5 years ago) I hated her. This is my second time around and she is my favourite character (besides Alice). If you don't take her too seriously she is hilarious.

hello ms tattoo girl, you are forever stuck with me <3.


She ALWAYS has to be the victim. Even in a situation where it is her fault. She twists it around and makes herself the victim. She pisses me off more than anyone else, but Bette makes me angry as well. She is another character who is incredibly selfish and self-absorbed and with zero self-awareness.


She is awful. She looks cute but she is an a horrible person. She doesn't give a *beep* about how other people might feel. Her own feelings are the most important thing and when something slightly difficult happens she falls apart to get sympathy of others...hate those types of inconsiderate, selfish people.


I've been watching this series on Netflix and really enjoying it.

Jenny was probably my favorite character in Season 1, but the plot with her and Marina was critical almost to the point of making Jenny the main character. In season 2 I liked the way she faded slightly into the background and became part of the ensemble. The connection with Shane made perfect sense and watching the two of them become roommates was hilarious. The way the larger group subtly looks after her all seemed to click. The short-lived relationship with Carmen was interesting but the outcome definitely put her on a darker path.

The only action from Jenny that seemed contrived in Season 2 was daring Mark to stick around (which is totally irrelevant after the season 3 premier).

In season 3, the only time Jenny did or said something that I thought was totally stupid was near the end when she wanted Max to turn down his (absurdly implausible) job offer.

Maybe things will change in Seasons 4 and 5. So far I don't understand the hate for the character. :)

All of the characters have their ups and downs, but I'd say Jenny consistently works as a character more than, say, Tina. Tina eventually develops in interesting ways, but she's probably the character in the main cast who really became a parody of herself for a while.
