MovieChat Forums > The L Word (2004) Discussion > Moira/Max is not a great storyline.

Moira/Max is not a great storyline.

For some reason, I really really don't like the storyline of max/ Moira, everything about the character is awful, she's so socially inept, she's filthy (shooting up illegal hormones), gross love scenes with Alan Cumming, and just most things about her are just not nice. Out of all the characters she's easily the weakest and least likeable.


I agree. There is nothing that I like about the charactor either. I always got a creepy feeling whenever max would come on the screen, and I could never figure out why jenny was attracted to her. I figured maybe she just liked the shock value of it since jenny was always doing dumb crap to get attention.


It would have been a good storyline if the actress playing Max had any charisma and depth but she just doesnt. His/Her scenes have always been painfully boring for me.

"What, you don't like rice? Tell me Michael, how could a billion Chinese people be wrong?"



I never said his storyline was boring, Im saying the actress's performance was (If your comment was directed at me)

"What, you don't like rice? Tell me Michael, how could a billion Chinese people be wrong?"



So you come on the L Word board to discuss a show which you havent seen and have no interest in seeing? Hmmmmm ok then. That isn't meant to sound rude, but
that doesnt make much sense.

I personally think Daniela Sea is a weak actress, and no matter how interesting a storyline is, it takes a strong performer to pull it off IMO.

"What, you don't like rice? Tell me Michael, how could a billion Chinese people be wrong?"



Oh I see! No you didnt put again lol, thats why I was confused.

I couldnt disagree more with you about not liking characters because you dont find them attractive. Where are you basing that on? I do not find Alice attractive in the slightest but she is one of my favourite characters on TV!

I do think Daniela is fairly attractive with amazing eyes, but she is also a weak actress who couldnt deliver her lines with much passion. I just found her completley redundant.

"What, you don't like rice? Tell me Michael, how could a billion Chinese people be wrong?"



I'd say you probably don't associate with people who are indifferent and dull

Well no, not if I can help it. Is that wrong? lol

To be honest I have never seen Daniela in anything else so cant compare. I will take a look on day maybe. I just felt as Max/Moira she was quite weak, and I don't believe you can blame the director for something like that, otherwise all the performances would be bad. So yeah maybe agree to disagree.

"What, you don't like rice? Tell me Michael, how could a billion Chinese people be wrong?"



agree, this character is out of place in the whole story for one simple fact - she/he is not gay

i suppose, the producer just wanted to make viewers uncomfortable

which is what the real world is about

there's no such thing as completely fairy tale like life in the real world, we are always surrounded by some thing(s) that make us uneasy

thus, even in the gay world on tv, it has to have some element of that to remind viewers how harsh life can be


I dunno,for me it's interesting because it's a good way to cover as many storylines about different types of people as possible. There are a lot of transgender people out there and a lot of people are unaware of what they can go through.

I'm a straight (but very open minded) person and for me it's good to see these things. The only thing I disliked about the Max/Moira storyline was the pregnancy...that took it too far. Other than that, it was interesting.


I love his storyline! Have you watched past season 3? He was a douche when he was with Jenny ("you shouldn't be dancing with some other DUDE" *yank*), but after that, I generally liked him. The pregnancy thing was pretty stupid though

Life's a bitch, but god forbid the bitch divorce me


I agree. I liked Max in the early episodes of season 5. In season 5, Max has come along way, from the first time Max goes out wiht the whole group. (The restaurant scene, from Season 3) I can't remember if he which season was the pregnancy season, but it was a bad idea....


The pregnancy story was season 5 or 6 can't remember which. I didn't like it. Apart from that the storyline is interesting to me. Would have been more interesting if she actually turned into Max.


I think there's a degree of prejudice in the depiction of the max character in the show. The writing is slightly condescending to him, while at the same time trying to be sympathetic, but he is treated like an outsider, and not really one of the group, cause he wants to be male. And being male is something which the show as a whole has a fairly dim view of, given that there precious few sympathetic male characters (SPOILER angus ends up cheating on kit, even gay men are made fun of) its fair enough to an extent as its basically a show from one group's perspective, but the moira/max character puts that viewpoint in a quandary because she is both of it and outside it at the same time. I think really the transgender community needs it's own L-word or queer as folk equivalent, to give trans characters a proper hearing. To some extent max feels like a side-note that the writers aren't really sure what to do with, which is partly why he's such an awkward character. I have a lot of sympathy for him, and it rankles the way he's constantly sidelined by the rest of the group. Maybe he needs some different friends who treat him more like an equal.


I agree. Max could've been a great character if the writers wanted to.

"Big butch: go unload the truck!" :D


I think a trans storyline could have been done MUCH better. I feel like to do a story like that justice they would have needed to dedicate a lot more time to it and Max was really only ever a side character who got little screen time. Also as others have said Daniela is not a great actress.

Also they kinda chickened out with Max not getting the top surgery and I didn't really like Kit's speech saying 'We're losing all our butch lesbians in the community' or whatever, I mean being a butch lesbian and identifying as a man are completely different things. I thought it was good that they touched on transphobia within the LGBT community though.


Out of all the characters on the show, she was the one I liked the least. Her storylines never interested me.


I think there's a degree of prejudice in the depiction of the max character in the show. The writing is slightly condescending to him, while at the same time trying to be sympathetic, but he is treated like an outsider, and not really one of the group, cause he wants to be male. And being male is something which the show as a whole has a fairly dim view of, given that there precious few sympathetic male characters

Completely, totally, 100% agree. And let's not forget that this version of LA is supposedly some magical land where everybody is a size 2 uber-femme who doesn't wear a bra...and we're apparently supposed to fall for that. I felt awful for how Moira was treated when she first arrived; she was a little shy and awkward, but perfectly kind, and they didn't even try to understand her. With the exception of Shane, they all treated her like a freak from the start.

And then, of course, when he realizes he's actually Max and begins to transition...God, the awful, condescending, inappropriate writing! I get it if they show a few characters being ignorant and transphobic, because those problems DO exist in the queer community, but the complete ignorance and crappy behavior from everybody and the way that character was routinely belittled? Not okay with it.

I honestly loved Moira/Max and felt continuously sorry for the way he was written.

You're a sexual Disneyland.


Max's story never seemed to be thoroughly thought out. I liked the character, and it appeared to me that some of the others had a prejudice toward Max. He/she couldn't fit in with a group that should've been sympathetic and tolerant. That in itself should've been explored but wasn't. Daniela Sea, is a musician, who got the role by sending in a tape. No previous experience.
The pregnancy didn't make any sense, it seemed as if the writers had the character on there, just as a token figure.


I liked the storyline of Moira (only the beginning) but I didn't like it when they made her transgender/Max. I was so happy to finally have a butch girl on The L Word. Girls who are butch DON'T want to be a guy. They are who they are and that was what I liked about Moira, so for me (as much as I think it's amazing and important to adress transgender in movies and series) they made a mistake with going the transgender route.
They should stick to the butch story.

After reading the other replies I think I'm one of the few people that actually liked Daniela Sea/Moira, but maybe that's partly because I think she was hot lol


I like the actress, but this role would be tough for an experienced actress to pull off and it would have to be written better as well.
I will say, though, the thing that was annoying to me: Daniela's voice sounds too much like Mr Edward Furlong. And I have very low threshold for that particular sound ?


I felt really bad for her. She wasn't written really great but the group kind of treated her so awful and snobby when they first met her.


You sound pretty transphobic (calling Max "she" when you know very well Max identified as a man) and homophobic (why was sex between two men "gross?").

I liked Max. I thought it was interesting to throw a transgender character in the mix. I especially enjoyed seeing how the others responded to him. I thought the character was played really well by Daniela Sea. Even though we see various instances of gay discrimination during the show, I thought it was a really strong decision to show what transgender people live through (parents not accepting them, potential employers discriminating against them, the uncertainty of dating people, etc). I felt kinda meh about the pregnancy plot line though. It seemed a little tabloid-y to me.
