MovieChat Forums > The L Word (2004) Discussion > Isn't it really fairly obvious who kille...

Isn't it really fairly obvious who killed Jenny?

I just watched TLW for the first time, binge viewing it over the last ten days or so. Obviously, there were many things I liked about the show, although most of the shortcomings I see discussed on the board here are readily apparent. However, the "mystery" of who killed Jenny doesn't seem that opaque to me. The last time we see Jenny alive, she's on the second story landing, the one without a finished railing. Bette is talking to her, telling Jenny very intensely that she, Bette, will do whatever is necessary to protect her family. She is clearly referring to Jenny spreading the story that Bette cheated with Kelly, which we know is not true. Just minutes later, Bette is coming down the interior stairs, alone, when she encounters a couple of the other women who are looking for Jenny. They ask Bette if she knows where Jenny is, and Bette replies that she doesn't know, and hasn't seen Jenny. The next time anyone sees Jenny is when Alice finds her floating in the pool, quite dead. I think that Bette did what was necessary to protect her family, and in the long run her friends, from Jenny's Machiavellian insanity.

This conclusion is reinforced by the "interrogation" scenes (as someone else remarked, they seem more like therapy sessions) at the police station. Only Bette's statement is shown twice, the second time in close up, as she remarks that Jenny is "complicated." I think this is a strong hint to us that something is up with Bette.

As a side note, was anyone else amused that Lucy "Xena" Lawless, star of the first popular show to appeal to a lesbian (among others) audience, was cast as the police captain investigating Jenny's death?

We provide ... Leverage.


Sounder II killed her! That's the easiest explanation.

Swing away, Merrill....Merrill, swing away...


Nah, Bette is a "A Good Person" and would never do such a thing.

I've always said, either she killed herself or Shane killed her. :)

I am neutrino78x elsewhere on the internet. :-)


Good logical point there about the time line with Bette, but it seems like Jenny would kill herself just to make everyone feel bad about it. Such a drama queen.


I just finished the entire series , to many u answerd questions really but would agree that the two possible scenarios are either bette killed her or she killed herself because even if she fell off the balcony she would most like have landed in the pool below unless she landed head first on the concrete but when you see her on the gurney there are no head wounds etc...
Conclusion is it was a great show and so unique from every other show ever made , shame it ended but all shows do in the end .


I just finished binge-watching it.

At first I thought Bette killed her, even though it'd have been very out of character for her to do it. Then when the police found Nikki still cowering in the bushes, obviously having been there when Jenny was dead in the pool, and semi-confesses before Shane stops her, I assumed it was Nikki. I'd buy Nikki killing her a lot more than I'd buy Bette.

Just minutes later, Bette is coming down the interior stairs, alone, when she encounters a couple of the other women who are looking for Jenny. They ask Bette if she knows where Jenny is, and Bette replies that she doesn't know, and hasn't seen Jenny.

That is a good point, but I still think it was Nikki. What other reason did Nikki have to still be there in the back yard, cowering in the bushes, knowing what had happened? Why wouldn't she have screamed if she crashed the party via a back gate and came across Jenny floating dead in the pool? Dead friend trumps being busted for crashing a party.
