MovieChat Forums > The L Word (2004) Discussion > How Many L Word Fans Watch OITNB?

How Many L Word Fans Watch OITNB?

I wonder how many L Word fans watch Orange is the New Black. Orange easily has a much superior female ensemble.


I just watched OITNB a month ago, and I'm currently watching The L Word for the first time. Only on season 1 though.



I think it's overall a better show as well.

"Tree's don't all grow straight, they grow however makes them happy"-Bob Ross


I watched both of them. they are my favorite TV series


OITNB fangirl here. It's definitely a more superior show. There was something very superficial about TLW, whereas this show it much more raw and honest. I love all the POC representation as well. I hope OITNB lasts long because the writing and the acting is fantastic.

Angelina Jolie. Liz Taylor. Bette Davis. Charlize Theron. Mae West.


OITNB is amazing but The L Word is better to me, except the hideous last season. OITNB doesn't have Jenny Shecter :D


I just finished watching the first season of OITNB and I love it!


Do you work for Netflix or something? No, I haven't seen it but I save the L Word and watch it over often.


Hell yeah, both shows rock


I was a casual fan of The L Word and I've watched every episode of Orange is the New Black. I have to say... I far prefer TLW. I like that the primary ensemble is small (well... compared to Orange), I liked the friendship element, and I just personally think it's more entertaining. It's melodramatic and doesn't pretend not to be. That being said, I do think Orange is a "higher quality" show (more realistic, more representation, more consistent) than TLW but I personally find TLW more enjoyable. Certainly funnier.
