I H-A-T-E this show!

Okay everybody. First of all; I am no troll. I honestly wanted to give this show a chance.

But this is just deplorable, and this is just after watching the premiere!

I thought the premise of this show was to go deep within the personalities of REAL lesbians in America. Did they do that? Hell no! What DID we get? 10 extremely hot lesbos eating each outer out in EVERY GOD DAMN SCENE! And sometimes we get gay men blowing each other off. Wow, you can just sense the controversy……cant you? No? Well, that is because it´s PORN!

I´m sorry. I though this show was suppose to go BEYOND the "All lesbians are sexy and ultra horny, just waiting to have a threesome with a man". I am a straight man and I have lesbian friends, and I can tell you; THEY DONT ACT LIKE THIS! This is not how lesbians behave! Sure, somebody do, I guess. But it´s a really small number. They talk just as nice and are just as pleasant as straight people. They don't seduce every straight girl walking into the room! I even shared my sleeping bag with a gay girl once, and that experience wasn't close to sexual, but warm and comforting. This show however is NOT. Why? Cause it´s PORN!

These women are all terrible. Either they are she-devils wanting to steel men´s seamen, sleep with everybody in the ENTIRE San Fransisco-area, or they are murderers, or evil seducers who turn every straight girl into jail-bait. Now you can claim that they needed these characters-traits to get good ratings. To that I can say; If all you´re accomplishing with your show is increasing stereotypes (Without irony or sarcasm) then you shouldn't have made the show in the first place! At least "Sex and the City" used COMEDY to justify their stupid character-traits!

And why San Fransisco? Is that the only place in the world where lesbians can walk free? Why is everybody ultra horny all the time? I don't care if they are "rebelling" against their past. These sex-scenes are nothing but one thing: FAN SERVICE!

Now if this show was meant to be pure slock, I wouldn´t have cared. I just though this show was going to treat me like an ADULT! Not a 14-year old boy looking for something to jerk off to (Something "True Blood", "Californication", "Game of Thrones" and "Entourage" has done as well). Not all lesbians look like Catherine Zeta Jones, steel sperm, or act like the village rug-mucher. And I can´t see how these characters have changed people´s views on gays or lesbians ONE BIT! Seriously, if you want to understand the lesbian mind, then watch "The bitter tears of Petra Von Kant", "Personal Best" or "The Hours". They may not the perfect films. But they managed to tell a deeper and more understandable story without stereotyping their minority in the prosess! Hell, even "Monster" told me more than this!

And you don't make a political stand by showing hot lesbian sex! All you do is confirming a myth that all lesbians belongs in the porno-industry. And getting teenage boys to jerk off in front of the television doesn´t change things! And why so much nudity!? Now, I´m no prude or moralist, but if you´re gonna slap these women´s titties in our faces every 5 minutes, then you have only made one thing...say it again; PORN!

I seriously can´t believe nobody else has reacted to this. But now I have...so: Give me all the response you got!

PS: Ellen Degenerous is NOT FUNNY! Amanda Bearse IS FUNNY!


Ok, WEST HOLLYWOOD, LOS ANGELES is where L word is set. And it was shot in Vancouver. If you don't like it don't watch it. If you can't see anything but porn in this show, maybe the problem is yours. L Word is not perfect, and it is fiction but it is a good show, way better than sex and the city.In my opinion of course.

"Big butch: go unload the truck!" :D


The OP has obviously never been to WeHo.

Life's a bitch, but god forbid the bitch divorce me



It's fictional you moron! So if I like walking dead I must be a brain eating zombie? Seriously you're vapid.


And don't forget that tv series represent some part of some reality. This show represents some lesbians, not the entire lesbian community. You surely don't expect a show about straight people to represent ALL straight people? So think twice before watching anything.

"Big butch: go unload the truck!" :D


Viewing your post for its spirit and ignoring the grammatical, spelling, and factual errors (Los Angeles area, not San Francisco), I understand what you mean. I'll probably get flamed for saying this, but the show is very black and white. There is virtually no gray area. What I mean by this is that the tertiary characters are either unconditionally supportive of the main characters or they hate them. If they love them, they go to the gay bars with them, try to sleep with them, etc. If they hate them, they actively try to ruin their lives. Seriously, who does that? And I agree the sex scenes are too long. I think after two minutes, we get the idea.

And you want to talk about FAN SERVICE? How about the writers inexplicably killing off Jenny because they were reading the Internet message boards and knew the fans didn't like the direction her character had gone.

But this used to be all we had. Like comedian Marga Gomez said in regard to the L Word, "We try to support it, but we like to yell at it."


I don't care what anyone says, I STILL LOVE IT! Although not the last season, f--k that *beep*


And I agree the sex scenes are too long. I think after two minutes, we get the idea.
Actually, LOL, I still can't figure out how they *beep* each other but I am assuming it is with a couple of their fingers which is why they decided a person is gay when you see that their ring finger is longer than their index finger and if the nails are short and well trimmed??


The beauty of the actresses (and a couple of the actors) can be blamed on the TV/movie standard of getting the prettiest people possible to represent your doctor/banker/architect/lawyer/funky Bohemian/whatever. Denise Richards is supposed to be believed as a nuclear physicist in a Bond film? Mayim Bialik would be better casting, but puerile viewers would rather see Richards as a Bond babe even if Bialik actually understands nuclear physics... I have no issue with pretty people playing these characters if they deliver. Jennifer Beals, Mia Kirschner, Katherine Moennig and Rachel Shelley all delivered good acting despite being gorgeous.

One of the main reasons that shows like Queer As Folk, The L Word, Shameless, Six Feet Under and The Sopranos get so much positive buzz in the LGBT community is they've all done things the network censors have never allowed: they allow their characters to kiss, to have sex, to be horrible, and to represent a more realistic LGBT person than Will & Grace, Melrose Place, Dynasty, a couple of soap operas, or most mainstream movies had. Instead of the cute, safe, sexless homosexuals of mainstream TV/film, The Sopranos offered up a mobster who was a gay bear, who found love, and who was murdered in little less than a hate crime. Six Feet Under introduced a committed gay couple whose daily lives were almost boring, a great parallel to the hetero norm. True Blood has a gay character so outre and loud but who holds two "butch" jobs that he gets dirty doing despite his flamboyance. Queer As Folk had a sexual predator as one of its main characters, a boring "everyman", a twink, a flamboyant dandy, people living with HIV, drag queens, PFLAG moms, and everything in between. The L Word had a FTM trans character, a borderline personality disordered character, a nesting couple with real-couple issues, a predatory loner and a recovering addict. These ARE all ground-breaking shows, and one of the biggest rewards was that they put the sex back into sexuality. Lesbians aren't judged by bigots, homophobes, religious zealots, the media, and teen boys because of a "look", they're judged because of what they do in bed. Showtime showing the beauty, the normalcy, even the weirdness sometimes, of lesbian sex, calms the argument that there's anything "wrong" with the lesbian lifestyle or lesbians themselves. It throws the blame back on the attackers.

While many lesbians look like Lea DeLauria, kd Lang, etc., and there were only a few truly "butch" looking women in the cast (it was femme-centric, to be fair to criticism), the show still challenged a great number of illusions and myths about lesbians with four seasons of great dialogue, acting and story. The fifth and sixth seasons lost their purpose, but this show still deserves its acclaim and interest.


It's not the greatest show and not exactly the most realistic show on TV but it's still entertaining. I watched this when it was on Showtime and I lived in LA (not SF) at the time and always said to friends, "show me the L Word lesbian posse, puhlease" because I never experienced it. Still, it's not any more off the mark than most TV shows.

I actually prefer Lip Service which is a BBC production about a bunch of Lesbian friends in Scotland. It's similar to L Word w/ better writing and acting.


Lip service was so so kinda boring and the characters left a lot to be desired


First of all, there later was a show called the Real L Word (or something like that that may still be running) that appeared to be the real way they are but in watching 2 or 3 episodes, it seemed they were just all hot, stunning and horny.

Secondly, it is steal not steel and semen, not seaman


Thank you for the pointing out the steel/seemen thing, I was just about to lol!


Okay. I have to admit that when I first read this post I was totally put off by the level of judgement based on just one episode. And truthfully, I still feel the same way...despite how my opinion changed as the series progressed and became much more aligned with with yours. At the start of the series it had promise. It had the right tone. And explored some compelling themes.

Sadly, as the series progressed, it became very much what you've alleged...and worse. I'll focus my criticism in two areas. Starting with...the fact that this became one of the most unrealistic and cartoonish shows on television. The length and the degree to which they asked us, the audience, to suspend our disbelief was just...too damn much. I kind of wish I'd kept a list. It would be LOOOOOOONG.

And by the way...poor Mia Kirshner! Nobody was asked to be more of a cartoon than her.

Second of all...as bugged as I was by your characterizing the show as porn after just one episode, I must admit after watching almost the entire series that it is, no doubt, soft-core porn on a huge budget with actual talented, accomplished actors. The sex scenes are, indeed, gratuitous. And me? I'm definitely no prude.

Anyway. I find myself commenting here specifically because I had high hopes for the show. It could have been so much more than it was...and tried to be in many ways. But at the end of the day, Ilene Chaiken and the rest of the team were giant, huge, massive sell-outs.

"What else do you like? Lazy? Ugly? Horny? I got 'em all."
"You don't look lazy."


I don't think you can judge any show by its premiere, in either direction.

I will give you the sex scenes, and that doesn't change.

I don't care for a ton of sex scenes in any show. But so many of the premium network shows do it - Showtime, HBO, and Starz. They do because they can and I assume there are plenty of people who are into that. I had a problem with it on this show, on the Sopranos, on Spartacus, on Boss, True Blood.... the list goes on.

As others have said, the show is of course in LA, which is pretty obvious as its mentioned a lot.

As a straight woman, I can't judge the portrayal of lesbians, but I can say I love the show after just now seeing it for the first time over the past few weeks.

After reading your review, I don't even know if you're watching the same show as everyone else though. So much of it doesn't make any sense.
