tipping is stupid

ok i know there are alot of tip topics here but i just want to say tipping is stupid. It is only required for sit down restuarants and barbers...why not tip the guy or girl at the local fast food joint? They serve and prepare and make your food, and in some places even refill your drink, yet you dont tip them. Why tip your barber who does you a service but than not tip the gardener? Also why do you tip valet? they just go park your car, im sure fast food or gardeners do more work for you than that. Tipping is so stupid in my personal opinion and i want to know why you MUST tip waiters and barbers but everyone else you dont have to?


You just answered your OWN dumb ass question.. -Why do we tip for bartenders, servers, and barbers?- Because NONE of those occupations in America do the people make an actual wage. Servers make server pay which is typically around minimum wage 15 years before.. Like Servers in Florida make only 5.50 dollars an hour now in 2016, but have to claim 10 percent of their sales on their taxes as per the government rule, so if you don't tip a waiter then usually they are paying for you meal, or a large portion of it. You are also BEING SERVED, are you a king? Bartenders operate much the same as servers, so the same rule applies, but a barber is totally different. A stylist, or barber doesn't get paid at all, and actually has to pay "rent" on their booth -the little station your highness sits in when he gets his hair cut-.. They also have to usually give a portion of their sales to the shop, and pay for their own supplies..They also, usually wash your hair for effing free. Again I ask are you royalty of some sort, do you not understand how us common-folk live our lives with handouts? Or are you just a *beep* *beep*

If you're not into metal, you are not my friend.


Tip strippers, they only work on tips and have to pay the house just to work there.



they don't make a lot of money unless they are good...
