MovieChat Forums > Waiting... (2005) Discussion > To waiters:what about us water drinkers?

To waiters:what about us water drinkers?

I actually think I posted this before. Not sure . I drink water. I love it. I drink it when I'm out and I drink it at home. It is better for you, tastes better, and--at restaurants--is free. Now I understand if this gets on the nerves of a waiter. It cuts a dollar off of the bill and if the whole table gets water it knocks it way back. But it being free is only part of the reason I order it. I just prefer to drink it. I'm probably drinking it as you read this right now. So waiters, do you get pissed when someone orders water?

I did sixty in five minutes once...


of course the money grubbers do. all they want is for the items we order to automatically rack up the bill higher and higher so they can do less work and get paid more. they forget that normal people "work" for their money and expect handouts. its garbage.

when you get great service tip accordingly. when you get bad service, let the manager know and still tip accordingly.




It depends on the situation. If you're ordering a meal & you want water, no problem. If it's a table of 13yr olds just eating chips n salsa & drinking water, then its just a complete waste of time.

“We all pay for life with death, so everything in between should be free.”


do you work at chili's lol.


As a server here is my opinion... water is not that big deal when its slow however, if you suck down water super fast and expect it to be filled right away while i have 8 other tables your gonna have to wait a little. actually if you want the server to refill it for you it should be charged like a regular drink, if you want free water you should have to fill it yourself, not too much to as but if I have to make cocktails for other guest who are having substantial tabs I want to give them the best service because 20% of 100 dollars is a lot more then 15% of 25% thus I don't have time to constantly refill your water when it interferes with giving other guest expensive cocktails. That all being said you'd never know this was my opinion because I'm that good of a server.


I don't personally care if people order water - after all, that's all I want when I go out. However, where I work they monitor "percentages," including beverages. People getting water hurts these percentages and the so called owners take it out on the waitstaff accordingly through disciplinary action because we are apparently supposed to be able to force someone to buy a drink.


Jesus. The US of A is such a *beep* up place.


I live in Canada and in most restaurants, the first thing most waiters do, even before taking our orders, is put a full picher of water on our table. They do this even if they know some of us will probably order something else to drink at some point, like wine for instance.


I go out to eat often with a group of sober friends. We always order water to drink, maybe a few get a coke or iced tea. We always get separate checks too. But the server will make a 20-25% tip from each of us with minimal effort since we sit and talk a while after we're done eating, and it's usually late at night and slow.


Not at all. I could care less what people get to drink.


Im with you, I also always order water. Even if it wasn't free I would still order water, why drink extra calories you do not need? However, we are really good tippers. For excellent service we've tipped up to 30% on some checks.
