MovieChat Forums > Waiting... (2005) Discussion > To waiters:what about us water drinkers?

To waiters:what about us water drinkers?

I actually think I posted this before. Not sure . I drink water. I love it. I drink it when I'm out and I drink it at home. It is better for you, tastes better, and--at restaurants--is free. Now I understand if this gets on the nerves of a waiter. It cuts a dollar off of the bill and if the whole table gets water it knocks it way back. But it being free is only part of the reason I order it. I just prefer to drink it. I'm probably drinking it as you read this right now. So waiters, do you get pissed when someone orders water?

I did sixty in five minutes once...


I see no problem with people ordering water. As a diabetic who hates Diet Coke/Pepsi and cold tea, there's not often anything I can drink. On occasion, when blood sugars permit, I'll order a pineapple juice (which seems to confuse or upset some waiters who don't want to look up its location in the computer), but at most places I have to choose water.

So I don't judge anyone for doing so. Only a rude peon would get upset that someone isn't spending an extra $2.99 on a sugary cup of disgusting carbonation. Like stated above, the only time it can be annoying is when a group of people all come in and order waters and an appetizer to share while filling up on bread. If the restaurant is a dead zone, I still don't even care much. It's only when they are wasting one of my tables that could go to customers who will leave more than a dollar tip.
