MovieChat Forums > Elektra (2005) Discussion > Why is this movie getting a bad rap?

Why is this movie getting a bad rap?

Okay, just to start this post, ALL people are welcome on this thread to talk about what they liked or didn't like. So, don't blast anyone for stating their opinion.

Okay, now that that is out of the way...

I personally loved this movie. I thought the acting was great, the writing was great, and IMO it was one of the best directed movies I have ever seen.
But so many people seem to complain about it and I'm unsure why.
It has ranked on so many people's "Worst Super Hero Movie" list and personally, there are much worse films out there than this one. (Supergirl, Punisher '89, etc.)

So, anyone with opinions one way or the other, please let me know


I am trying to think of why people respond negatively to this film. A few things come to mind.

- As written, Elektra is cold and unsympathetic. I think this is the biggest issue. You've got an attractive actress in Jennifer Garner, and then she acts aloof to the viewer for most of the movie. That's a huge turn-off. Part of this is because Elektra is an assassin. People don't like assassins. But somehow, Uma Thurman plays a similar character in Kill Bill but with far more charisma.

- The story is obscure. The viewer doesn't have a good sense of where the film is coming from or going to. Things just happen in sequence, with little rhyme or reason.

- Way too much flashback. This relates to the previous point.

- Climactic fight is silly. Elektra is in a fight with a room full of laundry.
Is this supposed to be exciting? It's just silly.

I don't think the problem is the acting so much as the writing. Since the plot doesn't make sense, since it isn't grounded in any tangible way, we just have a sequence of scenes that don't cohere. We don't get a feeling of dramatic structure to motivate us and shape our experience.


I thought it was ok 6/10

i am fire i am death


The movie was OK but it didn't explain enough why had Elektra had, after Daredevil, grown so dark as to become of an assassin (sort of; I thought Garner played her a little too lightly even early on); the comic fan audience probably thought she wasn't amoral enough while the general audience thought she was too amoral and then both were surprised at how maternal she became.
I also agree that it was fairly annoying for Abby to have powers too.


Well, the writing isn't actually that good and the movie needed more action and violence (Considering that the comics are full of violence and gore) but Garner as Elektra is great, the direction is good and the set pieces are by far the best part of the movie and the score by Christophe Beck is superb, this is no master piece, that's for sure but it isn't as bad as other superheroes movies like Catwoman, Batman & Robin and honestly, I think is better than Daredevil.


i thought it wasnt bad at all-in fact quite entertaining-but all the fan boy comic yawns gave it the big thumbs down


I watched this again today (May 2nd 2016) after watching Daredevil movie again. :D

I did not remember any of the Elektra movie and yet I have definitely seen it before so it was like watching a new movie. lol

I enjoyed them both. :)


It was a very lame and VERY BORING story... until the very end, almost nothing at all happens.
