This movie ROCKED!

I saw Welcome to Mooseport today and it REALLY REALLY REALLY rocked my world! my friend it I were laughing hysterically it was the perfect balance between romance and comedy and even though it was about political stuff it wasn't boring or anything. I have NOTHING but GOOD things to say about it...i definetly recommend it if you like Gene Hackman, Ray Romano, or Maura Tierney.



Are you related to any of the stars in the movie, Rach? I was looking so forward to seeing this movie. I LOVE Ray Romano and I didn't like the movie at all. It wasn't just me...the rest of the audience didn't laugh either.

I was VERY disappointed!



I HATE Ray Romano (I consider him as the most mediocre performer in the industry).
He is probably a brilliant sketch writer and a tolerable comedian for clubs - why not stay that way ? He IS NOT an actor !
Despite that, I like the movie, though it is definitely a super chick flick or a manual for divorced guys. The best description of it was given in the IMDB user's comment: a BLAND movie. The very definition of bland, I would add. To tell the truth, I've seen this movie first on transatlantic flight - so no escape ! Yes,
I agree, it is very boring for watching in theaters. Then I bought the DVD of it at bargain price and that allowed me to pay more attention to details.
Ray apart, it has a very good ensemble of actors lead by Gene Hackman. And those two leading actresses just deliver ! Surprisingly, in this particular case Ray's annoying overdone deadpan manner is not that much in dissonance with the whole mood after all. Don't forget, it is all supposed to take place in a sequestered backwoodsy town, hence, that tardy pace.


Excuse me! I am extremely offended...of all the things I may be, mentally retarded is NOT one of them. I did not find that funny WHATSOEVER.

Maura Tierney is my favorite actress and i thought she rocked in it! i think that's why i liked it to much because i generally like anything that she's in. And i enjoy ray romano too....i have a tendency to really really like movies that other people hate...sorry that we have defferent opinions but there's no need to be hostile!





How can you NOT LIKE Maura Tierney!?!? that is crazzzyyy!!!!

do you only not like her because of her role in welcome to mooseport or have you seen other movies that you ALSO didn't like her in? because if you're only knocking her for this one film then go see Oxygen, Primary Colors, Scotland P.A., or the primetime drama: ER! then tell me what you think of her




Hang in there Rach, I loved the movie also! So did Roger Ebert. Three stars. Take that Washington Post!


Dad and I laughed throughout the entire film. It was simply, a nice, funny flick that didn't insult us or be egotistical (as Jim Carrey or Adam Sadler flicks often are).
It reminded me a lot of NORTHERN EXPOSURE.

----- my film rsating scale -----
2 Matinee
3 Budget Cinema
4 Rental
5 Free TV
6 Nothing Else On
7 Don't Bother


Yeah, what a great movie, omygosh! like, so wonderful and like so entertaining, best movie of 2004 definately, yeap what a great movie,



it was an ok movie. funny at times... a lil boring at times... but it was a feel-good movie.. the kinds with good endings where everyone's happy

j Lee*


Yeah it was exactly like Northern Exposure minus the humour and great cast.


"It reminded me a lot of NORTHERN EXPOSURE."

A bull's eye! Very acute notice!


I'm sorry, but this film could be the worst film I have ever seen.

Why did the bird fall out of the tree?

It was dead.


Dear Tyler Bateman,
You need to see more movies.This writer liked Welcome To Mooseport(2004).
While I did find it a bit overlong I really like Gene Hackman and Ray Romano in it.Gene Hackman makes comedies that aren't extremely rowdy but one has to acquire a taste for like All Night Long(1981) which received terrible reviews when it came out but gradually a fair amount of the population has come to love.Since you didn't like this movie when you first saw it I recommend
you try and watch it in about ten years because you may change your opinion of it by then.
As for Ray Romano,this writer thinks he did a great job and easily held his own
superbly while acting with pros Hackman,Maura Tierney and Rip Torn.
Now if you want to see a bad comedy see Freddy Got Fingered(2001) starring
Tom Green.
To Better Days,


It is possibly the most ludicrous film ever made.

Casting Ray Romano was a masterstroke. Like trying to cover up a massive pile of poo by hiding a smaller poo in it.


Dear MurrayAllan,
If you think it's that bad then why waste your time writing about it?
To Better Days,




Dear MurrayAllan,
I like that response.This writer suggests you watch Gene Hackman in
All Night Long (1981).This is a favorite comedy of mine and I would like to know what you think of it.Barbra Streisand,Diane Ladd,Kevin Dobson and Dennis Quaid are also in it.I own it and really like it.
To Better Days,


stop referring to yourself as "this writer"'s really annoying. What do you think, we're all gonna be impressed and think you write screenplays. You need move out of your parents' basement and face reality.


Dear tleaman,
I am a writer(I've written a number of stories, a screenplay and I've also storyboarded one and videotaped it) so that's a correct reference to myself.I don't live in my parent's basement ....but I do face reality.
If you don't like what I write;don't read it.
To Better Days,


If you had "laughed hysterically" near to us we would have been very wary of you and possibly asked the cinema manager to remove you - or at least call for an ambulance to take you away for a clinical check-up.

Name one scene that made you even laugh - never mind hysterically...

- I often wonder how these people who find drivel like this funny would react if they watched something with a modicum of humour in it...


Dear smfarnsworth,
This writer found the scene when Gene Hackman's hatred toward his wife when he
imagines grabbing a butcher knife as Ray Romano rushes toward him to stop him as
his wife screams out in fright!
This was just one scene that I laughed at hysterically because it was all in his imagination and very unpresidential.
Is that one scene a good example?
To Better Days,


Do you say, "this writer" in all of your replies...? What is that - some sort of idiosyncrasy designed to seperate you from the rest of us..? Well, 'this Network Manager' thought the movie sucked and although I love watching 'Raymond' and I think Hackman is great - this did neither of them justice.

Thanks for naming the scene though - although I don't think I even smiled at that point. I love to see which other movies make you laugh out loud...! I shall read your profile....


Dear smfarnsworth,
If this writer really wanted to seperate myself from everyone;I just wouldn't reply on IMDB.
To Better Days,


This Network Manager just wondered....


I love Ray Ramano- I am a fan from "Everybody Loves Raymond." The move was great, too, except for one or two funny scenes that they want you to laugh at, but I couldn't. All in all, I do recommend.


Underrated movie, my review of it didn't give it a 4 stars, or a 10 out of 10, but i liked it


I loved it


Oh god I thought it was HORRIBLE. I only watched it because my horse was in it.

Oh bananas. I'm so flippin' graphic.


This movie doesn't even attempt to have jokes in it. It just doesn't have any jokes at all. This would be good if it was attempting to be a documentary but it isn't, last time I checked it was supposed to be a comedy. They forgot to write any jokes in it though.

Laugh and the world laughs with you. Weep and you weep alone.



I personally loved this movie. It wasn't the best movie ever made, but I thought for a light-hearted, romantic comedy, it was really really good. I went to see it in the theater when it came out. I went with my mom and dad and a family friend and we all laughed really hard the whole time. Maura Tierney is my favorite actress and I thought she was wonderful in this. I've never really cared for Ray Ramono but I thought he was good too. The rest of the cast was equally as good. This is far from my favorite movie of all time. But I really enjoyed it and I think it is a very good movie.


I personaly was VERY disappointed with the film... Maura Tierney is also my favourite actress but she was wasted along with Gene Hackman to a poor and painfully bad script, along with amateur supporting cast actors that made the film quite painful to watch.

"That would be a little slice of heaven"- Maura Tierney's number one fan!



Nobody in their right mind would go into a movie starring a sitcom star and expect a masterpiece. I expected very little and was pleasantly surprised by this film. Is it great filmmaking? Of course not. But you have to judge each film for what it is. This was only intended to be amusing and, at least for some of us, it was.

Ray Romano, like a lot of television stars, basically plays himself. So don't look for him to have some great dramatic breakthrough role. Know that he's going to play pretty much the same character in whatever he does. If you hate that character, you're going to dislike the movie. If you find him appealing or amusing, you'll find what he does at least tolerable, possibly amusing or even better.

There were some real laughs in this movie. Doesn't make it a great movie. Just means the folks who are going on about how much it "sucked" are unrealistically expecting every movie to be meaningful and deep.

How anyone could watch the replay of that awkward moment at the end of the Hackman/Tierney date and NOT laugh is beyond me. It was a deliciously cringeworthy moment (and was meant to be such). There were other such moments but I'm not interested in replaying the movie to start taking notes and prove my point to strangers on the internet.

Some movies are main courses. Some are cotton candy. If you went into this movie expecting to see something that'd be nominated for an Academy Award, you should probably consider joining a twelve-step program. But just bashing it for the sake of jumping on the bandwagon is pretty stupid, in my opinion.

