MovieChat Forums > Son of the Mask (2005) Discussion > Worst Whiners of All Time

Worst Whiners of All Time

SOTM was great. My family loved it. My kids and their friends found it hilarious. There are lots of fans here despite the whiners who are constantly pining for Jim Carrey. He was excellent in the Mask. Loved it. But he also hasn't made a funny picture for like ten years. And I just don't care. The whiners have made their point ad nauseum, they need Carrey or they're gonna have a break down or something. We get it. But the rest of us don't need Carrey to enjoy a movie. I liked the original. This one was different, but I liked it just as much maybe more because there was a lot more there than one stand out performance.


Here here! The whiners on this board are a singular blend of utterly boring and melodrammatic. It's both the bore me to tears predictable crying of the no Carrey in this picture?!? crowd AND it's as if film making has perished and the world has ceased to spin on its axis simply because of that fact. Good lord. All over one aging comic? If you can get beyond the mindless Carrey fanatacism, you will find that Son of the Mask is actually one of the more interesting "sequels" out there in recent years precisely because it chooses to start a new chapter rather than ripping off all the tropes from the original. Although Carrey was great in the first movie, I'm almost glad the guy refuses to make sequels because it forced this movie to try something new. And as a family movie, it succeeded for me. Far funnier and flat out good than the whiners could ever give it credit for.


For the orginial poster, Jim Carrey did made a comedy titled "Fun With Dick And Jane" in 2005.

Everyone has the right for his/her opinion, but the mainstream audience don't like SOTM whether if Carrey is in it or not. Jamie Kennedy, Alan Cummings and Taylor Howard would have been big stars now if the script was better.

"I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for you MEDDLING KIDS!!!"


Fun with Dick Jane was pretty bad, and I believe that was the original poster's point. Carrey hasn't made a decent comedy since probably Liar, Liar, which I'll give him, was hilarious. But I totally agree with this post. The flamers here are a bunch of whiners most of whom brag they haven't even seen SOTM, so what do they know? You're typical. You wrote somewhere in here that the movie sucks without Carrey but you admit you only watched some clips on youtube. Give me a break. I actually saw the movie. I thought it was great. And I will agree, I don't need Carrey to enjoy a good, inventive comedy, even though I liked him in the mask.


that is really annoying. DO NOT FLAME A MOVIE IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN IT! how idiotic can you get? these are the worst whiners of all time.


It has NOTHING to do with Jim Carrey (persoanlly I can't stand him he is so one-dimensional), it simply has to do with the fact this movie freaking SUCKED. I saw it, well about 35-40 minutes of it, it was so bad I had to turn it off. It is a realy bad movie, Jamie Kennedy (I grew up in Upper Darby, PA as well) is a BAD actor. The story line in the movie is idiotic, the acting bad, special effects mediocre. What more do you want, yea, KIDS may love this tripe, any self respecting adult will find it stupid beyond stupid.


This. And yes, I have seen the movie.


I love how there is like what 6 people who are defending this monstrosity when there are hundreds of others who know how bad it sucks? You are all obviously retarded and should be looked after.

Jamie Kennedy even knows it sucks and laughs when it is made fun of.
(Episode of 'Yo Mama')

So you're sticking up for a movie which the idiot who made the damn thing knows how bad it is..

What does that say about you?

You're obviously not wise, tasteful, or content with life. Sad.

And yes, I did reiterate and simplify it for you fools because I know 1st grade was hard on you.

Son of the Mask sucks and so do you, end of story. The sooner you realize this, the better.

What do you mean they blew up the Death Star? Who's THEY? What the hell is an Aluminum Falcon?


It doesnt deserve to be called a Mask film, it has like 2 mask scenes in it and it is all about a father son relationship.

As much as i hate to say it, NewLine Cinema is to blame because from what i hear it was their idea to turn a father/son script into a Mask film...

In my opinion it is the worse combination ever, just compare Son of The Mask to the comic books.


First off, I'll start by saying I enjoyed the film alot. Admittedly, I have a high tolerance for films (I'm one of the few who also admits to having enjoyed House of the Dead), but the thing is, everyone has their own opinion on films. The one thing I've noticed on here is that the "six people" that you mentioned actually listed some of the things they liked about the film, while all the haters on the board just say it sucks with almost no examples as to why.

Sure, Jamie Kennedy wasn't as funny as Jim Carrey in this one, but then again, he's not supposed to be. He's the straight man of the film. The funniest scenes in the movie, IMO, belong to Alan Cumming as Loki, he's hilarious in the role, and I can see why some friends of mine hold him in such high regard (albeit, mostly as Nightcrawler from X-Men).

As for the personal comments you made about the people who admit to liking the film, I think they're a bit uncalled for. As I said, everyone has their own opinions on what films they like and dislike, and you saying they suck for liking a certain movie comes across (at least to me) like a personal attack. (Of course, the subject calling people badmouthing the film whiners can also be seen as a personal attack in some cases.)

Forgive me if I've rambled a bit, it's kind of early in the morning. I will say that I liked your quote there, that's one of my favorite Robot Chicken lines.


You can't like both this and House of the Dead (or any other Uwe Boll film) at the same time without being mentally retarded. There are no coincidences of this scale.


Yes, it has nothing to do with Jim Carrey. This movie is a piece of *beep* plain and simple. Saying that Son of the Mask is a good movie and we all hate it because it doesn't have Jim Carrey is like saying that the only reason people think Troll 2 is bad is because it doesn't technically have any Trolls, where the first one did. I can't even see any kids liking this movie. I think it's an insult to children to say that this is for kids. The movie is annoying and creepy and irredeemably bad.
"May I say, what a SMASHING blouse you have on?"



You have the right to express your opinion, and so do I. Personally, if Jim Carrey was in this, it probably would have bumped it up from -infinity/10 to -100/10 at the most. It's so bad that not even Jim Carrey would have saved it. I didn't care if Carrey was in this piece of crap, I think he was smart enough to stay out of it. I will NEVER, EVER forgive the writers for RUINING "Can't Take My Eyes Off of You" by Frankie Valli. This is the worst "film" of all time. IMO.


Son of The Mask wasn't that bad. There were some funny things in it and it was a cute movie. I don't think it was intended to be a lot like the first movie.

Watch it with an open mind and don't expect Jim Carrey. I'm getting tired of Jimbo. Seems most of his movies - the characters and their mannerisms are all the same anymore. Is too predictable.

There are TONS of worse movies. For example - Snakes on a Plane sukked a LOT worse!

I thought it was actually refreshing that this wasn't the exact same thing as the first movie.

Yes, I agree with skhalpern - the whiners have ranted and raved and attempted to force their point ad nauseam.



Loved it. Screw the haters.

Want a bad movie? Try "Shoot em up". POS


I have watched approximately 20 minutes of this dross, and I can already tell it's one of the worst movies ever made. It's just awful, even a kid shouldn't like this trash. If you honestly think this is better than the first movie, you are literally brainless, you stupid stupid person.



Sorry, but I respectfully disagree with the OP. I usually have a high tolerance for bad films (especially ones I can laugh at, such as Nick Cage's the Wicker Man), but this movie was not entertaining in the slightest. None of the humor worked. The story was boring. We got very little scenes with the Mask. First movie I watched all the way through and thought, "Man, this was bad."

The scene I found the least bad was actually a deleted scene in which Loki plays Doctor on a security guard. You know a director has bad taste when he cuts good scenes out of the movie.


I watched the movie up until the part when the singing began after that I turned it off because my ears started hurting. Seriously this movie was one of the of the worse that I've ever seen.


you realize this piece of crap cost 100 million dollars to make right?
