MovieChat Forums > Der Untergang (2005) Discussion > Did you watch this film on the back of t...

Did you watch this film on the back of the YouTube parodies?

Quick question.

Did anyone watch this film based ON the circulation of all the Downfall parodies, or had you watched it already? Would the YouTube parodies make you more or less inclined to watch it?


Before I saw the parodies, I watched this film. And the parodies are hilarious!!


I have been watching the parodies now for years and the movie was still good.




I probably would have not known of this film without the parodies. Many of them are extremely funny. Still, it is simply obvious that the film itself must be awesome. The parodies have probably gotten many more people to see this film than would otherwise have been the case.

Edit: re cockeye991 -- Thanks for mentioning Wings of Desire as I knew that Bruno Ganz seemed familiar for some damn reason :)

Also (regarding another poster), German is not necessarily an ugly language. I found Kafka to have unexpected beauty when taking German in college.


Saw this before the parodies. But never really got into watching it, until few days ago. A truly great movie and I also love most the parodies.


I watched it at a German film club in uni in 2007 but the constant youtube parodies definitely keep the film in my consciousness and make me want to watch it again.

Pride is not the opposite of shame, but its source. True humility is the antidote to shame.



But every time I show someone the film (and that's happened a lot), I always show them one of the YouTube parodies afterwards just to try and lighten things up.

That, and usually 'The Germans' episode of Fawlty Towers.

Downfall's an amazing film, but to me it's nice to laugh for a few minutes after sitting through it.


Wait a minute... who am I here?


That Fawlty Towers was funny, they all were...


I saw several parodies, first. Then, out of curiosity watched the film. Enjoyed it very much. Even made a parody myself!


I likely saw one or two parody videos first, then saw this movie in 2010 while going through the "1001 Movies You Must See" list and realized when the scene played that it was the source of the youtube parodies. I found them funny for a while, and once in a while still do, though by about 2011 they lost their flavor for me.

Trailer For My Second Feature
