MovieChat Forums > Dawn of the Dead (2004) Discussion > What made the film so scary...

What made the film so scary...

I think I figured it out. Okay, I am not a religious person but at the time of seeing the film as a young teen I was probably closer to an agnostic and still frightened of the possibility of going to Hell. The reason why the film was terrifying for me (and possibly terrifying for others the same reason) was because the events unfolding were legitimately the apocalypse. In this case this was the particular order it happened... the dead over running the earth.

If you pay attention to the clues in the film, some of the statements made and other events as well as some of the character's (pay attention to who ''lives'' and who ''dies'' - you'll start seeing a pattern) it's pretty evident that the Zombie's came from Hell. This a reckoning on man by God (let's just pretend he exists for the sake of the film) and it was entirely the end.

Other Zombie films and TV series never come close to being as scary as this film not just because of their failure to produce this films ominous atmosphere but because the other films feature the cause being an accidental outbreak of a virus 90% of the time. And the other ten percent of the time the cause is unknown. In this film however it's strongly hinted that this is a wrath from God and man kind is done.


I'm not sure I agree. Regarding who lives and who dies, everyone ends up dying at the end. It doesn't actually show the last three (I think three on that little boat?) but the young girl is recording and there are zombies on the island they landed on so it was leaning towards their demise also. Or at least their having to continue to fight for their lives which might not end well.

I think it was a fantastic movie, one of the best zombie films ever made. It was just filmed so well. The acting was excellent. Lots of gore but nothing gratuitous IMO, all done really well.

It's just one of those movies, that for whatever reason, stands above all the rest.


If you think this is one of the best zombie movies ever made then you have a garbage palate


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Thanks for the good laugh! Have a great evening.


Now here's someone to ignore! Thanks for the heads-up, addict!


Now here's someone to ignore! Thanks for the heads-up, addict!


Now here's someone to ignore! Thanks for the heads-up, addict!


Now here's someone to ignore! Thanks for the heads-up, addict!


Now here's someone to ignore! Thanks for the heads-up, addict!


Now here's someone to ignore! Thanks for the heads-up, addict!


I agree, Holly61.


Neither James Gunn nor Snyder are hardcore Christians. I was surprised by the religious undertones. There isn't a criticism of it, I think.


So am I. Surprised. It has religious undertones no question. But is made in such a way it doesn't come across as cheesy. It comes across as extremely terrifying. Most of the people to meet a violent end were in the biblical sense 'sinners' apart from some exceptions. I don't agree with the Christian philosophy of what 'sin' is but their beliefs are scattered through the film. The 'Luda' situation is the most demonstrative of this. Miscegination (dating and having a child out side your race) and having a baby out side of wed lock are judged by some Christians and reviled by the hard-core Christians. The way the woman and her baby suffered and died and turned into monsters seemed like some extremist punishment for her 'sins'.

The movie seems like a bunch of biblical cruelty in many ways. This "God" in the film is wiping the Hell out of his people.

Almost wonder if those Zombies were demonically possessed as well, based on how fast they could run. This movie is the f***ing rapture.


Worth remembering that THE phrase everyone remembers from the original Dawn of the Dead is "When there's no more room in Hell, the dead will walk the earth." - So the notion of religious undertones was not so surprising.


Yes I walked away from that film remembering that line. The "hell is full" idea got in my head. Once again giving life to the theory of were those zombies possessed? They could run, jump. Were far more vicious and threatening than any zombies every featured on film before (at that time). And seemed relentless.


Yeah, religious overtones in Dawn of the Dead. Anything to be concerned about? Well, I don't think so. Hell is man made nonsense. And the Apocalypse? Well, most assuredly - this world will end. In about 5 billion years the Earth will be swallowed up by the Sun. Nothing to worry about.

It makes sense though, to me, the OP saw this as a teen and was terrified. I saw the original "Dawn of the Dead" in the 70s at a drive in. I was a little boy at the time - so yeah, it was very scary to me - at that time.

The 2004 version, it didn't scare me at all - but I thought it was good. A movie worth watching IMO.
