Really Liberal Writing

Maybe I'm super sensitive to it, but last week with the 'Dreamer' storyline and this week with innocent Gitmo detainee story, I hope this show didn't flip the script and go Liberal since Gary Glasberg's death.


I'm sure these episodes were planned more than a month ago.

~~~~ ClarkF1


To a Liberal everyone in jail is being wronged by society in some way. The bias is when they create a story based on a politically motivated topic. Last week with the dreamer, did they have to have the ICE officer play it so heavy handed? There is no way that would have happened other than in a liberal writer's mind. It was well known ICE supported Trump. You can't see it as a bias? I'm waiting for other hot button issues to rise, gun control, gay rights, etc.

By the way this is what happens when a Republican is in office. In the eighties,the issue was the arms race and nuclear war. Ronald Reagan was called a cowboy and a war monger. Right up to George W Bush constantly being called an idiot.

Sure someone being imprisoned for a crime he didn't commit is wrong. Making it a Muslim in this political climate is a bias.




I think someone had seconds on the Koolaid. (I thought I'd wandered onto a Facebook rant by accident. Wow.)

I refuse to be outwitted by a 2-dimensional character in a cheap romantic thriller!


Broad brush, to say the least.
Not worth the pixels and bandwidth.

I refuse to be outwitted by a 2-dimensional character in a cheap romantic thriller!


ICE itself did not support Trump; a union did.

Facts are facts, and living in Arizona, I promise you not everyone associated with ICE supports Trump...far from it.


I disagree. The writing didn't project a 'liberal' bias - not even close. The message it sent is that NCIS is committed to locking up the RIGHT people, and will work to make sure that the innocent don't get caught in that. If that's a liberal attitude, then I would hope everyone is a liberal. Maybe the refusal to consider the possibility of a wrongly imprisoned man is the opposite - a conservative attitude?

Ellie was pretty clear that she believed many or most of the detainees had done horrible things and belonged there. She'd sent people there. But she had the guts to self-reflect and help correct a miscarriage of justice. If that's another liberal quality, then everyone should get on board because it's the right thing to do.

I think you're being oversensitive to political messaging. This was about integrity, and I hope you're not going to call THAT a liberal quality as well.


Liberals believe in making small incremental changes. Today's political messaging leads to tomorrow's statutory changes. That may sound like paranoia, I don't care. I know liberal democrat policies are not only wrong but dangerous.


This is OT, but I love how people are aping el Rushbo and using the word democrat instead of democratic... like it's some sort of slur. 


How is Democrat a slur? You wouldn't say, Those Democratics are smart people. Would you? I know that the original name of the party is Democratic. I will never call it that because today's Democrats do not believe in democracy, unless they win.


Today's political messaging leads to tomorrow's statutory changes.

So what do you think the political message was? I'm seeing a load of people getting worked up because an Asian Muslim is dating a white girl but that's just religious intolerance, racism and possibly bigotry. Those are social issues. Not political messages.


So you would prefer to never correct an injustice?

Someone is detained wrongfully we should just close our eyes and pretend it didn't happen?

The search for justice should never been considered conservative or liberal.

We do the best we can with what we have, but when mistakes are made they need to be corrected.

Stop looking for liberal agendas where there isn't one, it just makes you look stupid beyond belief.

Nothing in this show made the claim that all detainees were innocent, quite the opposite. There was no liberal outcry that all the detainees should be let go. But simply an acknowledgment that mistakes occasionally get made and should be fixed when possible.


It does sound like paranoia, but since you've already said you don't care, I'm guessing you've already decided that new ideas on the subject aren't going to make it through your filter. Fine and good.

But...what you seem to be taking issue here is the idea of freeing a wrongly imprisoned man. A man who was...wait for it...INNOCENT. If that's a problem in your political world, then I'd love to know why, because you haven't grabbed that particular bull by the horns.

If it's a problem to suggest that the military is flawed, let me know. (I've heard that criticizing the military/government is a very bad thing in certain places - North Korea comes to mind.)
If it's a problem to suggest that the "justice" system is flawed, let me know that too. (North Korea comes to mind again, oddly.)
If it's a problem to investigate the possibility of an injustice occurring so as to ensure that an innocent man didn't get locked up, tell me why. (Why do I keep thinking of NK? Is it the idea you seem to be putting forth that "good" citizens don't find fault with these sort of things?).
And, having found that an injustice occurred and an innocent man WAS locked up, if it's then a problem to release that man, I'd love to read your defense of letting him rot in a hole anyway.

Please clarify how your politics make any of the above a problem, let along "wrong" or "dangerous." As I'm on the wrong, dangerous, liberal side of this one, I can rest easy in my view that we should hold the military and its justice system, along with the civilian justice system (and the rest of government), to high standards, that we should criticize freely when warranted, and that we should correct any injustice no matter how politically inconvenient it may be.



Since you asked, righting a wrong is not the issue. Writing a politically motivated storyline is the problem. Last week it was a so called dreamer that was being wronged, this week it's an innocent at Gitmo, what's next, gun control, abortion, or the election. There are plenty of ways to make a law enforcement show and not be political or at least be fair. Hawaii 5-O had a gun control episode a few weeks ago. They made sure both ends of the argument were covered.


There are plenty of ways to make a law enforcement show and not be political or at least be fair. Hawaii 5-O had a gun control episode a few weeks ago.They made sure both ends of the argument were covered.

A quick glance at the reviews for that episode suggests the gun lobby is still up in arms about it.

Its bad enough that your news has to be politically segregated. You now appear to be demanding that all of your drama avoid any subject that might upset your delicate sensitivities or provoke any degree of independent thought.


provoke any degree of independent thought.

No political party or ideology can lay exclusive claim to "Independent Thought". All of our thinking and intellectual processing is based upon our experiences and prior knowledge, including what we learned from our parents, teachers, mentors, friends and other family members. This also includes what we take in from media sources and reading material we have access to.

No one has a truly "independent thought", our beliefs and ideas are based upon prior thinking and indoctrination, both liberal and conservative. Liberal dogma is just as ridged and exclusive as conservative dogma.

It's called a remote control. It has a channel up button, a channel down button, and a power off button. Get familiar with this device, learn to use it.

How can we expect the world to trust in a loving God, when His followers can be so full of hate?


And your point is? I said 'any degree of independent thought'. I didn't claim that it has to be either truly independent or politically motivated.


So you don't see a problem with forcibly deporting a US Veteran because he didn't fill out the right PAPERWORK?! If a man honorably serves this country, then he needs to be awarded citizenship - whether he fills out the correct form or not.



Stories about how sometimes people are wrongly imprisoned or where military personel are corrupt/paid to alter records isn't anything new... Storylines like that has occasionally been around since pretty much the beginning of this show. I wouldn't say that the show suddenly has a liberal agenda.

I've got nothing against God, it's his fanclub I can't stand


There is and never was anything conservative about the writing. Not really...the writers try very hard to appeal to a huge audience.
If you have the time I'd love a list of a couple major reasons you think the writing is especially conservative. Or what your meaning in this context is...
They write about discipline and order,but anyone who knows even a little bit of what liberal is,in this context knows that discipline and order are essential. It is with conservativism as well as with those with more liberal ideas. Most of that difference lies in what we call humility. Not that liberals have it anymore than conservatives.

I think that people mix up,possible the use of the word liberal, as in give me a liberal helping,or he is awfully liberal with his use of.... in that context it reflects quantity. And boy do American know about more,more,more when is comes to me,me,me. Then politician use those words to divide and separate, to divert attention to things that are mostly unimportant in the big picture,but take a lot of time and energy. Americs especially regarding these conflicts need than healthy debate and compromise,which is the only way to progress. But the politicians ,those in power prefer We from broad lines of paralysis. And it leads to hate and fear. Exactly what they want.

A story about the wrongs,problems,ethics and morality,suffering etc about making mistakes is very,very conservative. Or should be. It is liberal too...Is conservative sloppy...No,of course not,but unaccounted for mistakes is....Or,are you thinking being unapologetic is a sign of strength??? The bravest,strongest and most morally equipped to lead,learn from,those with the most wisdom,admit to,learn from and recognize mistakes,with humility. The strongest and bravest of attributes.

Liberal or conservative,...bullies only have and then only small amounts of surface strength and in the form of roughness,nothing sustainable. An inability to see and live thru humility isn't strong. It is weak..most of us don't want to be weak. But is the "powers that be can convince both sides that the other is...well,..The you have a focus and it is away from them.
It isn't conservative or liberal....not really. The difference there is only what the politicians want and want badly. Al people,all healthy people want the same things,,,a place to call home,enough sustenance,money,friends is called security.
Politicians use this essential need to fear and hate monger. It is a tactic to control and divert. If we are fighting with each other,then we don't pay attention to them and the big picture.

If you worry about money,kid,jobs,health,just enough there isn't mental time and practical time to think about what they are doing. And that is what they want. Which is why they tear each other down when campaigning for power and then kiss each other's ass after elections. They are not thinking about is a game,, Liberals and conservatives want exactly the same things,always have. Fear and ignorance is what politicians use to make us think every little thing is important. It takes huge amounts of brain time and energy.

I know your comment wasn't about all this. Lol...sorry....But it is the foundation of how we become so preoccupied with intricacies of style that we lose site of,or never see the big picture and then can't see the forest for the trees,

Anyway,my rant of the week. .lol... respectfully.


Again you are wrong. Liberalism is not about discipline and order. It's about conformity. The only thing they like about the military is that they abide by a strict code of conduct. That is how they get all their Liberal issues implemented, by amending CoC(ex. DADT). I do not look for Conservatism when I watch a TV show. I actually do not expect it. However, I am hyper-sensitive to Liberalism. To some extent, I can tolerate it, not in this context. If you look back at the career of the creator of the show, Donald P. Bellisario, you will see trend in the type of audience to which he is appealing. Please do not lecture me on what you think a Conservative is, or that there are bigger issues out there.


I was ready to give this a pass until the last bit. You, and several other posters, have more than just defined what a liberal is. You've insulted many posters and driven the rest away. I never see posts by typical NCIS posters anymore, but I see a lot of people spouting factoids and truthiness. I don't find your posts informative. On the contrary, I find them to be on pretty much the same level as a troll.

Find an appropriate board. I'd like to get back to actually discussing this show.


No, David. No one is happy in a poodle skirt and a sweater set.


Remember what I said about conformity? Well, that's not for me. Now think about other ways Liberals try to squash Opposing views. Almost every Republican/Conservative is met with violence when they speak on college campuses. That's the nature of Liberalism. They preach violence, totalitarianism, and conformity.


Again, you define a term you clearly don't understand and use a huge house painting brush to fill in an entire group of people when you need a small artist's brush to show the nuances. Because I listen to alternate ideas and try to understand them, I see valid points to both sides of the disharmony.

To get back on topic, I don't see anything wrong with trying to interject an idea that redefines a Muslim. They are often painted as the bad guy, the terrorist, the anti-American. Just as not all Republicans or all Democrats are evil, neither is the prevailing idea about Muslims true. The fact that you are offended by the idea even being presented rather proves that it *did* need to be said.


No, David. No one is happy in a poodle skirt and a sweater set.


Taking a look back over the years, one clear example of a liberal bias is found in season 7's Christmas episode "Faith". In this episode, a young couple is illegally cutting down and carrying off a tree when they stumble upon a dead man. This man is Muslim, a member of the US Navy, the son of a retired Marine Col. and now Protestant Minister.

The story follows the investigation of the death and portrays the Muslim victim, the Muslim Chaplain as being good, while the Minister Dad is bad.

This was their version of a Christmas episode.

While the demonetization of Christianity is nothing new with Hollywood, it is always disheartening when this occurs, but to have it occur during one of the two Holidays centered around the Christian faith is especially so.

And while NCIS has had Christmas episodes since season 6, most of them only take place at Christmas, but don't really focus on the holiday. Of course, with the exception of Hallmark movies, few shows do focus on the holiday.

It's called a remote control. It has a channel up button, a channel down button, and a power off button. Get familiar with this device, learn to use it.

How can we expect the world to trust in a loving God, when His followers can be so full of hate?



one of the two Holidays centered around the Christian faith

A lot of faiths have major holidays at this time of year.


A lot of faiths have major holidays at this time of year

yes, and every department store has a Santa Clause that says "ho ho ho Meeeeeery Christmas.

oh, good, the Israelis are back


That's it, you're off my Winter Solstice card list....


No, David. No one is happy in a poodle skirt and a sweater set.


what about the summer Solstice card list?

oh, good, the Israelis are back


Oh, we just get together for the Summer Solstice and do the Maypole Dance.

No, David. No one is happy in a poodle skirt and a sweater set.


yes, and every department store has a Santa Clause that says "ho ho ho Meeeeeery Christmas.

The one I encountered this morning had just tripped over his belt and the greeting that came out didn't sound like it fitted any religious holiday.


The one I encountered this morning had just tripped over his belt

another drunken Santa Claus, ummm, how do you trip over your belt?

oh, good, the Israelis are back


how do you trip over your belt?

It appeared to have come undone.


It appeared to have come undone.

I don't suppose you had anything to do with that???

oh, good, the Israelis are back


Good god no!


LOL,  Merry Christmas woodcat

oh, good, the Israelis are back


Merry Christmas


I tend to agree - I do not like the liberal bent the show has taken in the latter years, but it is still better than most of the garbage out there. The sad thing is , the show is not what it once was and will never be the same.Still, I will tune in Tuesday nights and hope for the best , but they keep making bonehead moves. Oh Well
