Mean to Mae Whitman

I love this show and I find the character of Ann hilarious, but I think they were really unnecessarily mean to Mae Whitman. A teenage girl shouldn't constantly be told she's ugly or plain looking. They should have done Home Alone style and gotten a boy to play the role (while the character was still female).

"The only time you tell someone not to fly is when they hold your wings back."


That was Bland's role and she nailed it during the original seasons. Also, I still question myself why George Michael is into dog people like Egg.


Is she funny or something?


You tell me. Can dog people be funny?




Exactly. It's not ok to call a teenage girl bland.


Are you some kind of an expert on Bland?


No, but if she's being called ugly in TV with a huge audience it can't be good for her


Chill out dude, Mae was part of one of the best comedy series ever produced and it's because of her (Her?) that all those Bland/Egg/Her? scenes were so freaking great.

Michael should've left Egg back in Mexico because who knows, maybe she'd have develop into a really good looking gal and whatnot. But as far as being funny.. is she?


It's a role she chose to play. That was how the character was written. If she had a problem with being called bland she wouldn't have done the show and then reprise the role in its revival.

Plus you know the world is not always kind and caters to your sensitive feelings.


She is probably mature enough to get its all a joke since she returned to play her part 7 years later.

I'll leave when I am good and ready.


Oh, I'm sure she didn't mind the paychecks. Mae seems to be doing pretty well these days, so I doubt it held her back any.

Also, how many times did they say it to her when she was actually on camera, as opposed to the other characters saying it about her when she was no where to be found?




I'm not exactly sure who we're talking about here.

Also, she's an actress and not unattractive. Think about the guy who plays Fat Neil on Community. His first episode consisted of being berated about his weight by Chevy Chase for 22 minutes.

"Baste your chubby cheeks in tears of gravy."

Now that's being mean.


Everyone on that show has a sense of humor, including her. You should try it sometime.


Sense of humor is just something that hookers do for money... or candy!


You don't know many hookers.


 Sadly, I don't.

I'm not a very exciting person like that.


I don't think "sadly" is the right word there.


What, is she... running the lights or something?


Wait a minute... who am I here?


It's more of an inner beauty pageant.


There it is..


I don't think "sadly" is the right word there.
Why not? I hear they're very good therapists and love to listen to you cry about how much your brother doesn't respect you!

In retrospect, I really should have thrown in a Nelly Bluth reference there.


Strange. I read "Sally" than "Sadly".


It's as ann as the nose on plain's face that it's not okay to call a teenage girl Ann looking. But I do have one question, are we talking about... her?

"Why'd you get yourself all corpsified and sent to me?"


About who?


You've met her... so many times.




Look, I'm sure Egg is a very nice person.


She's kind of bell sha....she's the belle of the ball!


Ann would fall under the trope of "hollywood homely". Meaning not really since even when they dressed her to appear bland she was still clearly very attractive. Or the "tell not show" attribute, where they tell us she's supposed to be bland when clearly she isn't. Even though more than one character used the "Her?" line, the audience was thinking "what are they seeing?".

To Love and win is the best thing. To Love and lose, the next best.


The actress is quite Ann in real life. No unattractive though, just not memorable looking. She's a good actress though.


She's apparently too Ann to reprise her role in Independence Day 2 (the Re-Independencing). I guess the director just forgot who they were all talking about and hired someone else.


Or she took a page from Buster and you just can't even see that she's there?
