Mean to Mae Whitman

I love this show and I find the character of Ann hilarious, but I think they were really unnecessarily mean to Mae Whitman. A teenage girl shouldn't constantly be told she's ugly or plain looking. They should have done Home Alone style and gotten a boy to play the role (while the character was still female).

"The only time you tell someone not to fly is when they hold your wings back."






A) She auditioned for and accepted the role as it was written.
B) They dressed her down to make her look bland. He clothes, hair, and makeup are as plain as possible.
C) Ann's personality is also bland.

On a side note, Mae Whitman seems to mostly go for the looked-over teenage girl roles. She also starred in D.U.F.F. (Designated ugly fat friend) - She plays those roles well.


You mean Annie McNo-Face?

I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked.



I think Michael's real problem with Ann was her personality, not so much her appearance.

Why Star Wars: The Force Awakens sucks:


To be honest it's actually quite a clever role to go for think about it for a moment.
How many young women in Hollywood are going for the 'hot girl' roles if she was in Arrested Development as George Micheal's hot girl friend people would have forgotten her within a week. But in this role
A) She's the focus of a running joke meaning that people don't forget her.
B) When anyone wants a female role that isn't the 'hot girl' they immediately think of her. (Think about 'The Duff')

And because she's not actually ugly all she has to do is loose a bit of weight, dress in something a bit more flattering and suddenly everyone's talking about how attractive she is 'Operator (2016)'



I mean, Her?


1. Mae is an actress and she understand this was a role

2. I'm sure Mae know she is attractive
