5th Movie Should Start in Swinging 60s London

And should focus on his son, not him.

No-one wants to see an old man having an adventure. It will only work if he's the sidekick (like Connery in Crusade).


Enjoy it.

I won't bother. Indiana Jones adventures were fun when they were in the vein of the old pulp fiction serials of the 30s and 40s.

Modern adaptations (even 1960s) are a waste of time and effort. Rarely does a sequel in another era pay off. It would take an extraordinary script and cast, and if they could get both, they would be better starting a NEW movie and series than trying to pump life out of an old one.


Well said. And if you're not going to have Indiana Jones as the main focus anyway it may as well not be an IJ movie, and instead be a new movie entirely.

I mean I agree that seeing a much older IJ having an adventure just isn't the same as it was, as was the case with the 4th one. The ability of him being the tough guy is reduced because of his age. I think he took out less bad guys than the ants did in Crystal. What's he going to manage in a 5th one when he's 80? Unless they CGI him to make him younger, which I suppose is a genuine possibility now.


I was ok with him playing an older Indy in Crystal Skull because at 65 he was still a viable adventurer but now at near 80 no. He’s just to old. Even with CGI he’s to old. I wouldn’t mind him as the old professor maybe giving a former student a some pointers when he comes to get info at the college or something but yeah they waited to long as usual. 22 yeas since crystal skull was released. It’s to late now. I hope they don’t make it to be honest.


I don't want to see 80-year-old Indy having an adventure, but an Indiana Jones movie about a former student of his, with Indiana only making a cameo and giving some pointers? I'm not sure I want that either.

Besides, it would mean having the movie set in the 60s or 70s. As someone else said in this thread, Indiana Jones works best around the 30s, as befits his roots in old adventure pulp fiction. At that time the world still seemed unknown and exotic, and there was room for an adventurer and explorer like Indy.

If they want another film, maybe they should just recast the character and go back to the 30s. It would be difficult to accept an Indy played by someone else, though. Ford's charm and charisma when playing heroes like that, a bit roguish but likable, able also to be funny when required... Those are really big shoes to fill.


I've been gone 3 years. So here's my response Lol. Funny thing is we did get a old indy. It was actually pretty good. Lol


I'd rather rewatch my copies of Austin Powers movies. You get the feeling from these movies, that director Jay Roach and Mike Myers actually were hippies in the swinging 60's...


No london and his son was dead.



Killing Mud off was the worst decision you could do. That they clashed, sure! But killing him off, especially in Vietnam, was just totally useless. Like beating a dog on the ground.
