Delp's fate?

I really liked Delp's character and I was wondering what the community thought about what happened to him?

Did Shaw's people get to him or was he evacuated by the group that Rosie was apart of?

I wish there would have been more of Delp as Bruno Ganz is always a welcome addition to a film.

Delp's ultimate fate? What say you?


It's been a long tme since I have seen it and don't remember what happened to Delp.

Shaw's people don't know that Marco did the shooting. Rosie's people covered that up. &


I think he lived, perhaps to star in his own movie!


I always assumed he was taken out by Manchurian, that his fear that ‘maybe they know you’re here’ alas was true.

I’d never considered that Rosie’s FBI team got to him first, but if they did why would they clear out his laboratory and detain him so he can’t contact Marco, and wouldn't we see him at the end?
