End Scene (SPOILER)

So... Rosie and her "Shadow Group" take Ray back to... a 2-acre island? Why would they?

Is that where the battle took place? Was it even a real battle or a staged event to help the brainwashing?

This was so disappointing compared to the original, including the rearranged ending... all to have a woman heroine?

They even - almost - made "mom" a heroine. At least she had "better" motives than EvilCorp.

I'll never get back that two hours. Sigh.


That’s where the brainwashing took place, as we saw earlier in the film. They’re trying to rebuild Marco’s memories as a form of therapy.

Why are you crapping on this excellent film?


Because it has good people, but lets them down by trying to "modernize" the original. It pales in comparison. Maybe just a payday for all concerned.


Of course it’s modernising the original, it’s a modern remake. We’re swimming in remakes and this is that rare one that’s actually really good. Plus, it’s not a remake of some recent movie, the original is black and white.

A reasonable policy is that you can remake a film only if either the original was meh, or if the original is over 40 years old - as is the case here.
