The story is just dated like the book.

The reason this film just dosent click is the humour and story comes from a source that has dated badly.
It was a massive story in the 1980s united kingdom. By 2005 when it was finaly made into a movie it was out of date.
The filming style was also out if date. Especially the special effects.
The humour was funnny in the 80s and the concepts were familiar with people who grew up on Monty python and working title British movies like time bandits. Surrealism really doesn't work in sci fi movies.
It needed a serious reworking with up to dare concepts , better effect and less time spent on the narration and the annoying cartoons sent to make the script make sense.

So many faults this could have been a great movie.


I'll just go ahead and disagree with everything you said.


It just doesn't work as a big(ish) budget Hollywood production. It's a bit like remaking Monty Python and the Holy Grail as Black Knight. I understand why someone wouldn't want to watch the TV series with its very 70s/80s BBC Production style and values, but that aesthetic and storytelling reflects and suits the culture which birthed Adams' humour.
