MovieChat Forums > The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (2005) Discussion > WORST movie since The Hunger Games, and ...

WORST movie since The Hunger Games, and that's saying something

I could go on about all the things that are wrong with the movie compared to the books (which I have read several times over) and the original TV series which I have watched quite a few times, but to paraphrase Marvin (from memory) - the first ten minutes were the worst, then it went into a bit of a decline.

Boring, contrived, boring, miscast, boring, *beep* It's not that I was upset with the fact that the film completely failed the book, because without knowing the background to most of the (badly ruined in the film) jokes in the book (i.e. the towel) I would have been completely lost. God only knows how anyone who hasn't read the books could possibly enjoy or even understand the movie. They should have called the film Catch-22, because you are damned to miss the point if you haven't read the book and damned to realise how crap it is compared to the book if you have.

I would have rather watched a milk carton walking around London for 2 hours. At least that was entertaining (if you don't get this reference you are disqualified from commenting on this post).

p.s, for anyone who wants to defend The Hunger Games - Suzanne Collins lied her arse off when she said it wasn't a blatant plagiarism of Battle Royale. Of course it was, except, like HHGTTG above, Hunger Games is an abysmal remake of something far better, hence me referencing it. I'm sure Hunger Games is fantastic if you are a 12 year old girl, but for anyone else? Just NO.

Oh, and So Long & Thanks For All The Fish is a *clear* winner for all eternity in the 'Worst Song In A Movie That Is So Bad It Will Have You Praying To A Deity That You Never Have To Hear It Ever Again Or Please God Just Make Me Deaf' movie awards category.

I feel sorry for the dolphins that were forced to be in this movie, despite their (no doubt intelligible) protests. This post is dedicated to their suffering.


T.H.G.T.T.G.: 4/10
THE HUNGER GAMES series (so far): 7, 9 and 6/10


LOL I actually have to say the Hunger Games movies are getting better as they go on...


They were unlikely to get worse


I would have totally agreed with you, right up to the point where I saw Twilight 4 (part 3 part 2) :-) That's the amazing thing about the recent YA movies like Twilight, The Hunger Games, Divergence etc - just when you think they couldn't possibly get worse, the studio somehow manages to lower the bar that little bit further.


Agreed on what you're saying.
About HG: it's also a blatant copy of a certain book/film called Running Man (Stephen King/Richard Bachmann/Arnold Schwarzenegger/etc).


If you wish to find comparisons regarding 'Worst Movies' blah blah blah ... please ignore THIS movie AND the Hunger Games ... there are still copies of 'The Glass Jungle' out there ... I would rather pour liquid soap in my eyes than even THINK about watching it again....


Seriously, if these are the two worst films the OP has ever seen, I think they're doing pretty good.

The new home of Welcome to Planet Bob:


I agree with you in parts. It's really different from the books, and that's really a bad thing. I guess it would be a better movie if it didn't got the name of the book. (Hunger games sucks a lot and it is a copy of battle royale)... But in parts can be a fun movie, if you can look at it past the book.


I'm sorry, are you stupid or do you just not understand how time works? This movie came out 7 years before The Hunger Games.

I could go on about all the things that are wrong with the movie compared to the books

No, you can't, actually. Because all the things that are different in the movie were personally approved by Adams. Who himself said there is no definitive version of this story.

You're just one of those obnoxious snobs who thinks your favorite version of the story is the only one that should exist.

The new home of Welcome to Planet Bob:


"WORST movie since The Hunger Games, and that's saying something"

what a strange and stupid thing to say.


Given all the discussion that has gone on since I wrote this it makes your reply even stranger and more stupid *and* you managed to add nothing to the thread other than your judgmental comment, which makes you look even stupider. So... back to you.


hit a nerve there, eh? xD


This can't be the worst thing since the hunger games. Because both the Hitchhikers Guide book and the movies came out first. It should be that the Hunger Games are worst thing since this movie. I mean at least get it straight.

