ImpossibilitIES few minutes in

We're shown the guy from The Office in the beginning, hitting his head on some kind of ceiling structure above the stairs.

This is impossible.

Also, why is that structure even there, if it's that obstructive? Who would want to live like that in their own house that you can endlessly customize to your liking?

We all know that if someone adds something extra to our living area that we're used to walking around in, it will be a disturbance at first. Let's say a board on the floor that elevates the door area a bit.

You will stub your toe(s) on it, because you're used to there NOT being such a board, and now that there is one, it takes getting used to. You will forget and stub your toe a few times, and then.. as if by magic, you will NEVER do it again.

You got used to it.

_HOW_ can a man live in a house for who knows how long (it seems to be his house, so we can safely assume he has lived there for more than a few days) and _NOT_ learn to avoid hitting their head on a stationary part of the structure of the house?

It doesn't take long for you to stop stubbing your toe, so WHY would it take long for him to stop hitting his head?

If this is his first week in the house, it's completely possible and even expected. But any longer than that, and we're talking about a major FLAW in the writing!

Why is this world populated by bad writers? Can't we get ONE well-written movie?

A few seconds later, when I unpaused the movie, there was another impossibility.

You pour yourself coffee or tea, and then watch your coffee/tea cup just MOVE on the table due to some vibration. You CLEARLY see it going towards the edge, and you know it's going to fall in a few seconds, if you don't stop it.

So instead of stopping it, Arthur looks outside the window, completely disregarding the fate of his probably precious (at least emotionally) cup.

This is NOT realistic! No one would do that! If MY cup, that I am preparing to take a sip out of, starts moving about on the table, my first instinct is to PROTECT it and PREVENT its breaking! Why doesn't Arthur even sub-consciously take the cup in his hand when the table starts shaking? Isn't that what would realistically happen? You don't want to waste your delicious drink or have your cup broken, but Arthur suddenly doesn't care?

I don't give a crap if 'something more important caught his attention', this is basic, primal, instinctual behaviour, and it's about food, too! What's more primal than eating or drinking? Even if his attention is elsewhere, he should still at least grab the cup or something.

This movie is NOT off to a good start.


Also, if Arthur owns his land and his house, NO ONE can lawfully come and install a 'bypass' there. Governments and such are required to give at least two weeks notice before even doing any kind of lawful activity (which this isn't), and Arthur would _DEFINITELY_ know if some construction workers were going to come and flatten his house because of a bypass.

He would also be given 'compensation', but his CONSENT would be 100% required in the first place, so this process would _NEVER_ start with construction equipment or vehicles, it would start with BUREAUCRACY, and the first thing would be Arthur getting a letter or a visit from some 'officials', this movie is REALLY not off to a good start!


All the paperwork was on display , in a locked filing cabinet
