Nearly finished with the OCEANS?

Are you kidding me?

The 'they are nearly finished with the oceans'-scene is RIDICULOUS!

Do the writers of this crap realize HOW BIG the oceans are? You can't create even ONE ocean with that ridiculous contraption the man is shown to hold.

The amount of water you would get from that tiny tube would be like trying to create a lake by squeezing a small teacup's worth of water through a small straw (and in fact, I am being INCREDIBLY generous here). Not going to happen.

There's no way they could create an ocean in a million years with that small pump and small tube, even if you had thousands of guys doing it.

Oceans are _RIDICULOUSLY_ big, the amount of water is INCREDIBLY MASSIVE.

Expecting anyone to believe anyone could be pouring _THAT_ amount of water through _THAT_ tiny tube is just the stupidest thing since all the other stupidities this crappy movie is full of.

Why is everything so stupid and thoughtless.. people in movies never understand scale at all, it seems.


maybe there were two of them at it ...
