MovieChat Forums > Kill Bill: Vol. 2 (2004) Discussion > 'Suddenly I couldn't do any of those thi...

'Suddenly I couldn't do any of those things' makes no sense

I am paraphrasing, but she did say something along those lines, the implication being that because she found out she's pregnant (someone made such a funny video about how idiots can't spell this word correctly for some reason, I recommend it), she suddenly CAN'T KILL anymore.

She is in a 'reproductive/mother mode' = Can't kill.

Obviously, she could kill..quite a LOT, actually. She killed so many people in these two movies, it boggles the mind, and I definitely lost count every time I watched them.

Now, if she lost her ability to kill just because she reproduced (which doesn't make much sense, shouldn't she be MORE able to kill to protect the offspring, you know, the 'mother's fury' mode that women have?), why did she gain it back just because she was in a coma for a few years?

Also, shouldn't she have lost it again, and in a sort of 'retroactive' way, realize she shouldn't have been able to kill for all this time, because she found out the daughter was alive all this time? If she 'dreamed of her' and somehow intuitively 'knew' that she was alive, why didn't this affect her killing ability?

Also also, now that she found out the daughter is alive, wouldn't the revenge lose its purpose and main driving force? Wasn't she always avenging the death of the daughter, and thus, have to completely recalibrate her thinking now that she's alive?

Plus, wouldn't this finding have REACTIVATED her 'inability to kill'?

I mean, this movie is, AGAIN, trying to have it both ways.. either she being a mom makes her not able to kill, or it doesn't. Either her daughter's (perceived?) death made her able to kill again, or it didn't.

Why can she still keep going and kill Bill after finding out the daughter is alive? Shouldn't she REVERT back to the 'I can't do any of those things anymore'-mode, now that the daughter is alive?

Or do we want to be even stupider and say that her daughter can ONLY deactivate her 'killing ability' when she's INSIDE her body, but not anymore when she's OUTSIDE her body? PLEASE don't tell me this is the answer, because it would be even stupider than walking miles upon miles in a desert BAREFEET without being seriously injured and dying of dehydration (especially considering what she's wearing), and her not 'freshening up' (you know, good night's sleep, someone tending rock salt in breasts-wound, proper hydration, shower, preparation, proper clothes, proper transportation, AT LEAST WASHING YOUR DAMN FACE..)!

This movie just piles stupidity upon stupidity and makes no sense in the process.

Either her kid makes her not be able to kill, or she doesn't. Which is it?


"How can you be so obtuse? Is it deliberate?"
