MovieChat Forums > BloodRayne (2006) Discussion > Shees! Give this guy a break.

Shees! Give this guy a break.

Just saw BloodRayne tonight.

So yes, Uwe Boll did make some horrible movies before (and I assume after), but BloodRayne is so far away from bottom 100 IMDB films that this volume of antagonism toward it puzzles me. I doubt all this is a result of "gaming geeks' rage". I guess a lot of people are being unfair (and seem to enjoy in that very much) toward this below average and flawed vampire slaying action flick because of Boll's "previous sins".

BloodRayne is definitely watchable and mildly entertaining, delivered with respectable skill in most technical aspects. Around 4/10 by my book.

Grow up!




Cool movie and a lot of fun to watch. You have the kids hating on it because of Boll's name and its whats expected by the other trolls but they don't bother viewing it until months after they have already given it a 1 out of 10 rating. If they managed to just watch without going along blindly with the crowd they would notice that there has been a sharp increase in the quality of Boll's videogame films starting with the dismal House of the dead and building to the fantastic Postal. Unfortunately the haters have painted themselves into a corner by shooting off their mouths so much that they have to keep doing it (regardless of the quality of Boll's films) otherwise it's like admitting that they were wrong. Once you realize that their posts express an automatic response and are written using no logic whatsoever than it's easy to just laugh them off.

If you like the films than keep enjoying them regardless of what the Bollbashers say.

"Now we are carrying so much hate and jade that we're not much better than you"


I don't really know why filmmakers secure the rights to video games and then constantly produce movies that have little in common with the game although this movie does serve as some form of prequel to the games.

THe acting is fairly poor in this movie even from Kingsley who obviously just appeared in the movie to make some quick money then again the acting is far from the worst around either.

I don't really get why folk are hating on the movie so much its not meant to be the highest quality movie around with the greatest acting its fantasy -horror entertainment and as such its reasonably scripted the special effects are reasonably good and the action scenes are no worse than in a ton of other sword fighting movies such as the three muskateers .

The movie is no award winner but its watchable reasonably entertaining fantasy-horror movie fare.
Its a long way from being one of the greatest movie around but its also a pretty long way from being one of the worst movies around either


I'm sorry I loved the Bloodrayne game, to me the game was more cinematic than this movie. In my opinon not even Kristianna Loken sex scene (which if look carefully, the bars [not just the door] are shaking) also when you have a bad script and then compile bad acting. Kristianna's acting was worse than her videogame counterpart, and also casting one of the biggest blond airheads as a "Young Genius" right there that lost sooooo much crediability


Why should we give Uwe Boll a break?

I didn't know that Boll was re-writing a video game. He was definitely re-writing the traditional vampire legends. I'm not a gamer. I am a classicist.

I saw this dreck at the behest of a friend who saw the word 'vampire' in the listing. Boll lost two viewers.

Neither of us were familiar with Boll's "previous sins" as you called them. However, we both plan to avoid anything with his name on it in future.

Watchable. Matter of opinion.
Mildly entertaining. Again: your call; you were entertained, we weren't.
Respectable skill. We didn't see any.

All I can say about the writers, director(s) and producer(s) is:
I admire their ability to get paid for this.
