MovieChat Forums > The Office (2005) Discussion > Am I an oddity for not really liking thi...

Am I an oddity for not really liking this show much?

I see it has very high ratings so clearly many, many people really like this show.

I'm not saying I dislike it, but it's not really a favorite of mine or anything.

I don't have an IMDb, but I'd give it a 6 probably. Note that I've never really watched the entire series, but this is based on watching some random episodes over the years. I never really found it very likable, but not implying it's bad at all.

I doubt watching the entire series from start to end would make a big difference in my impression though, as I usually get a good sense on whether I'd like a show based on, say, several episodes. I think it's an okay show, but it doesn't really "reach out" to me personally.

Again, not saying I hate it, but don't really especially like it either. I don't think I can elaborate too much deeper, but who knows....

Maybe it's just the format/set-up that doesn't really appeal to me much. Kind of felt "left out" in a sense because I don't really like other shows many people tend to like such as Breaking Bad or etc., but maybe it's just my own biases somehow affecting my preferences.


Never seen it.


Ah. You probably got here from the front page then, right?

I noticed this there too. When some title is recently posted in + some other factors maybe, it shows on the home page.


Yes, Sir!


Some people like different shows. I hate Friends but a lot of people love that show.


Yeah, true. But when so many people like something, you sort of become the "odd one out" if you're the one/few that don't.

I think I recall saying I didn't like Breaking Bad once or something, and some people responded as if I was insane or something.

Think like going to a rally and being the only/one of the few against the majority and what that might entail/bring about.

Friends is pretty good, I think, but I don't like all episodes that much.


This is a weird show, and it's actually easy to not like it.

It took me a really long time, and multiple viewings - almost out of sheer curiosity - for this show to start finally growing on me enough for me to starting to eventually like it.

It's the kind of experience that you have to be 'in tune' to, understand the characters, observe all the sometimes really subtle humor, find something that speaks to you, to start liking it. It's not immediately genius, it's more like 'after not understanding' for the longest time, you expect it to be crappy, and you watch it anyway, and then something might click a little bit.

Then something else makes you somewhat laugh or smile, and after repeat viewings sort of start 'making sense' in its own, perhaps silly way. When you can start to expect a certain 'tone' or 'style' from the show, you can start appreciating the humor and the misunderstandings and Michael's innocent charm more and more.

It's possible you might never like it and always hate it, but for me, a change happened after I just watched it enough. I didn't expect it, but the things Michael says, and how he delivers them, just started really getting me to like the show more each time.

One very small example;

Michael asks Ryan, who used to be a temp, and is now .. a salesman or something, to fetch him coffee. Ryan says, "I don't do that stuff anymore", obviously referring to 'fetching coffee' and other temp duties that a salesman doesn't have to do.

Michael insults Ryan by saying "No, it's for me, bimbo!"

It's subtle, but there are layers in that joke. It undermines Ryan's importance, it plays on Michael's view of Ryan as a temp he remembers him as (not letting him have the dignity of 'not being a temp'), him not even taking into account Ryan's elevated status as a salesman (or whatnot), and making Ryan seem so stupid, he thinks Michael orders Ryan to get coffee for himself, and fully expects Ryan to fetch him coffee, now that he cleared it up.


If you think and experience these jokes fully and understand all the layers, and where it all comes from and why, and you get the character motivations and experience the relationship dynamics properly, there's a lot of really fun stuff in there to enjoy.

But these things are _so_ easy to not notice, or dismiss, or just see from a superficial perspective, that if you just see this as 'non-funny dialogue' without realizing all the perspectives that work in tandem, you won't get it, and understandably probably continue to hate it.

So a lot of responsibility for enjoyment of this show falls to the observant diligence of the viewer - if you focus wrong, you'll miss it. If you don't understand what's going on and why, you'll miss it.

It's like hearing a joke, but focusing only on the words used, without listening to the content of it, and then dismissing the joke as unfunny.

This is the kind of superficial TV viewing that can EASILY happen with this show, because there's a surprising amount of intricate subtlety woven into many of the scenes that you can't appreciate with a surface-level viewing.

This is exactly why it took me so many viewings to start appreciating the show - I simply didn't understand or realize what was going on, I didn't give the show enough credit, and I wasn't immersed in the relationship dynamic that makes the dialogue so funny - in a very subtle way. So all I heard and saw was 'words that make unfunny sentences, spoken by some people I don't know'.

Once you know change that into 'Michael does his typical misunderstanding thing while undermining the egotistical Ryan in a brilliant way', you can see how there's way more substance than what I originally experienced.

Once you start seeing everything in this show in its proper context and the underlying intricacies open up to you, THAT is when you can properly and truly start enjoying the show.

It's not for everyone, maybe you'll still hate it - but it needs more than surface viewing.




Well you're entitled to your opinion OP, but if you ask me you're not getting the full experience if you just basing your opinion on watching a random episode here and there. This is a sure way of not really knowing who any of the characters are, why they do the things they do, etc which makes it easier for someone to lose interest.

I know this because I was pretty much the same back when the show was new. I'd heard of The Office but never really sat through it much until it came to Netflix where I could binge the whole thing. Then I've been a fan of it ever since. I've probably watched the whole thing like 3 or 4 times now, and I'll probably revisit it again before the end of the year. Especially considering the fact that's it's going to be leaving Netflix at the start of 2021.

Anyway lot of people (myself included) Disliked the first season, but season 2 and beyond gets a lot better. The characters become more likable imo as more of them get their own storylines so that we learn more about them. It's not a perfect written show (none of them are) but it has many great moments that keeps me coming back.
