MovieChat Forums > Idiocracy (2007) Discussion > What do plants crave?

What do plants crave?





YESS lol




or maybe water from the toilet?


What are electrolytes?


Theyre.. what they use to make Brawndo!


that was a pretty smart reply!


Brought to you by Carl's Jr.


I like Brawndo. It's got electrolytes!


I'm going to order me some BIG ASS FRIES.


Probably something that mutilates it’s thirst.


Old joke.. but fitting for this post


hehe nice 1 :)


Plants do not have capacity to 'crave' anything. They're not human beings or even animals. They do not have the kind of nervous system, physical body, hormonal desires and such that make it possible for someone to crave anything.

Usually craving is based on physical things, like food, sex, liquids or other substances, but of course in the magically modern era we're living in, this extends also outside the normal and natural, and into synthetic substances, drugs, and other experiences. People can even crave playing video games these days (it's a real addiction, but it's hard for some people to take seriously, because it's so non-substancial - nothing physical enters your body in any way).

Craving can, of course, be purely psychological as well, and as a complex, advanced beings like humans, there can be all kinds of cravings from the most primal food and sex-based to the most psychological 'event-based' ones.

However, in my opinion, spiritual things and such can't really be called cravings, as 'craved' thing never truly and fully satisfies. You may crave a chocolate cake, and eat it and feel 'satiated' for awhile, but wait a week, and the craving is probably back.

Spiritual and emotional things that are not purely psychological, are usually called 'yearnings', and plants can't do this any more than they can 'crave'.

It would be better to talk about what plants 'need' instead of what they 'crave', but of course the world of Idiocracy always chooses the stupider and more nonsensical terminology, so it fits this movie that they talk about what plants 'crave'.

This means, the joke is not JUST that 'plants crave Brawndo', the joke is ALSO that people of the future seriously think plants _CAN_ 'crave' something - the usage of the word 'crave' instead of 'need' is also a subtle part of this humor.

Electrolytes ARE a real thing, amazingly - I am a bit disappointed they pronounced and wrote that wortd correctly in this movie, it should've been butchered..


..just as much as 'techmological differences' (technological difficulties).

It's a bit inconsistent of this movie to have characters pronounce and write some 'big words' perfectly and correctly, while other, 'not-even-as-big-words' are completely and utterly butchered and mutilated - just like thirst.

The joke about 'thirst mutilation' is also similar; you can't MUTILATE something like 'thirst', and even if you could, it wouldn't be enough - you would have to completely destroy it, or there are bits and pieces of mutilated thirst left.

It would, of course, be more accurate and correct to talk about satisfying the need to drink, or quenching or even conquering thirst (I was thinking about 'satisfying thirst', but that would be illogical).
