Who else cheered when...

Tiny snapped Wydell's neck? That prick had lost it and was off the deep end. That's my opinion.


I did...Well, not cheered but was glad they got away.

I did kinda root for the Firefly family too. I'm not saying they weren't sick f.u.c.k.s, but they were the protagonists in the film. I rooted for them less in House of 1k corpses.

I think I wanted them to live, because I wanted another sequel.

🐨If I wanted to listen to an ass hole, I'd fart. Captain Spaulding, 2003.🐷


both the sheriff an the family deserved to go to jail as for a sequel that would be over kill a prequel would be cool but the sheriff an the family were all scum


Prequel works too, I just want another film.


a sequel to devils rejects is just over kill an silly to me because it ends the characters perfectly there was no were to go after this movie a preqeul is the only thing that makes since


No I cheered when the fireflies were being tortured then died later on


Kind of. I thought he was sloppy and took too much time. He should have also had the two men he hired as backup. So, in the end he did deserve what happened to him because he should have been smarter.
